Chapter 4

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The clearing was all set up by the time we got back. Peter greeted us warmly and showed us where to sleep. He had make-shift beds made out of leaves and feathers. I walked towards the area and lied down comfortably and drifted off into the next day.

Peter and Hook were already awake.

"Zoe, were going to sea!" Peter announced.

"Oh cool, but why?" I asked.

"One of the islands on Neverland is home to the fairies and their fairy dust. If you collect the dust from the highest point of the mountain it can cure you of any disease. So we're hoping it'll get rid of your amnesia." Peter explained.

I looked reluctant. He got closer to me and held my hands. "It'll be great. A real adventure."

"It's dangerous, is what it is," Hook chimed in protectively.

"I can handle myself," I said once again.

"Yeah, right." He scoffed and started packing up the camp.

"Don't listen to him," Peter comforted. "He's just grumpy all the time."

Peter held one of my hands and started to lead us back to shore. I looked back at Hook. No, he just wants to protect me, I corrected Peter in my head. Hook looked at me too and gave me what seemed to be a sad smile.

"I'll catch up to you guys in a bit." He called out.

"Alright," Peter answered continuing to walk.

Peter had a cheerier aura then Hook. He was easier to be around with, more comfortable. But I liked being around Hook too. As we got to know each other he had a sense of mystery that I felt the need to look into. And he was misjudged by everybody. Hook was a kind soul despite his rough shell.

Peter and I talked for about an hour until he decided it was time for fun.

"Here," he said pulling out a small jar tied to a string that he wore around his neck. I recognized the familiar dust.

He poured some pixie dust onto me and started floating. He waited till I did the same so we could reach eye to eye and then he leaned over and whispered," Catch me if you can."

With a chuckle, he was off, and he glided through trees like a pro. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I tried to catch up to Peter in flight, but he was way to fast, and I struggled to maneuver through the branches. After a while I got tired and sat myself on a tall branch in a tree.

I decided that if I pretended to be upset, Peter would give up. So I called out into the forest," Gee, Peter Pan is so fast, I don't think I'll ever beat him." And I sighed loudly, making sure it echoed through every tree.

After a few seconds I heard a rustling in the branches above me. I snickered silently, and waited for the flying boy.

He showed up, hanging upside down in the branch above me, we were face-to-face.

"Aw don't be upset Zoe," he said mockingly.

"Aw you knew this was a trap?" I signed.

"Uh huh. It's okay, it's better being with you than without you anyways," he grinned.

I held his upside-down face and snickered. "I still beat you."

Peter raised an eyebrow and then relaxed his face into a grin.

"That you did. You're pretty smart. And you need a prize now."

"Ooh, what will it be? Gold?" I enthused even though no material item would be of importance to me.

"I have something else in mind."

Peter grabbed my face the way I did with his and he pulled me closer. My eyes were wide open, but I didn't stop him. Peter Pan kissed me.

He pulled away and I just smiled awkwardly. I don't remember ever being kissed before.

"Like your prize?" He chuckled.

I nodded shyly, sure that my face was extremely blushed.

The sound of footsteps caught Peter's attention and he turned his head into the sound's direction.

"Finally caught up, huh, Hook?" He joked.

Peter grabbed my hand and we both floated down from the trees.

Hook met us at our landing and we continued to walk to his ship.

When we arrived it was already dark.

"Let's rest for today. We'll continue tomorrow." Hook motioned for me to follow him.

"I'll take you to the captains quarters. You can sleep there." He began.

"Your quarters, no I couldn't-" I protested.

"No please, I insist."

He helped me into the room located at the back of the ship. There were a couple of steps leading into the room and Hook, like the gentleman he is, held out a hand to help me down.

I giggled,"Thanks, but there were only like three steps."

He smirked. None of us let go of either's hand for a while. Once he noticed, Hook quickly took his hand back and scratched the back of his neck.

"Uh, sleep well, m'lady." He said rushed and closed the door behind him when he left.

I stared at the door for a few seconds and shook my head. Then I went under the cozy covers of Hook's bed. I shut my eyes.

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