Chapter 6

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I was brought back to consciousness when I felt the boat hit something. We stopped moving and I ran back up onto deck, the weight of the new red dress weighing me down. When I opened the door I saw Peter turn around.

"There she is!" He said and ran up to me.

"Hook said you were feeling seasick and that you fell asleep so we left you to rest. You can sure sleep a long time. Are you feeling better now?" He explained.

I looked behind Peter and saw Hook. He stared back but looked down a split second after and grabbed ropes to help anchor the ship.

"Yeah, I'm, uh, good." I gave my eye-contact back to Peter.

"That's great news." He pecked me on the cheek. "You look great by the way," he said noticing my new outfit.


"As you can see we've reached the island." Peter raised his arm and pointed to an island that looked similar to the mainland. It had the same sort of shore and jungle. The only difference was that there was a menacing, dark mountain looming in the middle of the jungle.

"C'mon," he chuckled and grabbed my hand and made us follow Hook.

I held up the skirt of my dress a little to avoid tripping over it. We walked for a while and Hook ignored me the whole time.

Peter and I engaged in a nice conversation on the walk to the mountain, but all I worried about was Hook.

When we finally reached the mountain Peter told us he'd meet us at the top.

"I can fly," he explained. "So I'll get there faster and meet you there. I would carry you Zoe, but it's a long way up, and although you're light, after a while even feathers get heavy. I used the last of my pixie dust when we played that game, and we're too far from Tink to call her. Sorry guys. But I'll see you at the top!"

Peter saluted us and he flew up the steep mountain, quickly out of our site.

I was alone with Hook again. Awkward.

Without saying a word, Hook began climbing. When he reached a sturdy area he threw down a rope. Again, not a word was spoken.

I tied the rope around my waist and climbed. Hook climbed ahead of me.

Peter was right. It was a long way up. But I don't know if it was like that just because Hook wasn't speaking to me or because it was actually that long.

We reached the top and Peter sat on a large rock, playing a flute.

I struggled to lift myself up to the surface, and Hook stood there his back facing me.

"Hey Hook, help Zoe up," Peter said, putting down his flute.

"She said she could take care of herself." He said bluntly.

"I can." With some new-found strength I gained from that comment I proved myself.

I dusted myself off and Peter put away his flute while Hook recollected the rope that we had been using.

"Alright guys, the dust is in there," Peter announced, pointing into the mouth of a cave. "I don't know if there's anything bad in there, but it's worth the chance!"

I looked back down the mountain multiple potholes and dents lined it. I shuddered.

"I don't think anything will be worse then that." I motioned down the mountain. Peter chuckled.

"Alright, let's go in!"

I was extremely happy when we reached the end of the short cave. Pixie dust was pouring out of a hole in the cave like a waterfall, landing in a gorgeous, glimmering pool of more pixie dust. It was a different color than Tink's dust, and it was radiating with power.

"There's a flat area on the cave wall," Hook began.

"Grab some pixie dust and throw it on that area. According to legend, your most meaningful memories should show up."

"We should try it first, just to make sure it works." Peter offered.

"Yeah, maybe you should." I agreed.

Peter grabbed some pixie dust and threw it at the flat wall. After a few seconds, like a TV screen, the pixie dust morphed into a showing of Peter's memories. Hook and I had no choice but to stare on, only understanding the the memories from when he started becoming Peter Pan. And there was this girl, who I assumed to be Wendy, but her face was always out of sight on the screen for some reason. They had a lot of moments together. I felt uncomfortable being there and watching it some just stared down. The pixie dust then melted away, back into the pool.

"It works." Peter's voice no longer had a cheeriness to it. It was cold.

I went up to him and put my hands on his shoulder and he just shrugged it right off.

"Peter, are you okay?" I asked.

"No. That was painful. Seeing Wendy and everything, I mean I felt so much for her and she just left."

I stiffened. But you have me now, don't you?

After an awkward silence, Peter sat down on a rock in the cave and looked down, contemplating everything.

"You should go now," Hook whispered and put a hand on my shoulder.

I did as I was told and threw the dust at the screen. I had butterflies in my stomach now, I expected everything from the past to show up and reveal who I am.

The first image was Neverland's beach. Then every single event that happened after that followed through. When Hook's kiss came up, I was kind of glad Peter wasn't paying attention.

"Guys. It didn't work for me. The only memories I guess I have registered are the ones from here."

Hook shook his head. "We did this for nothing."

I looked down, embarrassed. When no one said anything I stared at Peter, who seemed to be so caught up with Wendy and I assumed he forgot about me. Hook just stared on. I didn't know if he was still angry or not.

This was a waste of time. I'm never going to know who I am.

The thoughts were too much for my head so I ran out of the cave by myself. I went around the cave mound until something stopped me.

There, on the opposite side of the cave, was a pile of the things that I've heard have gone missing. The compass, the lamp, the shoe, everything.

"Hook! Peter! You should come see this," I called out.

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