Chapter 8- annoying sebastian operation 5-

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Very long chapter ahead

Narrator person pov~

Operation 1:
All 3 of them were stalking Sebastian for days now to learn his routine and they learnt quite a lot, there first plan to annoy Sebastian was to replace his sliver ware that he fights with into harmless plastic ones, Brooke made a distraction in the dining room while Phoenix snuck into the kitchen with alucard. Alucard removed every silverware from the kitchen and ran out into the forest and then buried them, Phoenix had the plastic forks and knifes to place in the draws after there first successful mission they went to phase 2.

Operation 2:
Phoenix had an idea to let Pluto roam the mansion and destroy everything for a treat, Brooke and alucard thought it was genius so, it was phoenix's turn to distract Sebastian which turned out better than expected, alucard had to grab Pluto and bring him into the mansion and Brooke had to make sure nothing went wrong with both things, getting Pluto into the manor was difficult Pluto kept tugging alucard backward. Eventually Brooke and alucard had to ask finny to bring pluto in,

Pluto ran through the doors and started destroying everything of Sebastian's, when Phoenix was distracting Sebastian Pluto walked into the room they were in which didn't turn out to great."well is there something you'd like to confess?", Sebastian asked Phoenix, "yeah you ruined my sex life", Phoenix responded "wha.. Wait you had a sex life?", Sebastian asks rather shocked "ye", Phoenix says quietly. Pluto ran into Sebastian's room and destroyed all the furniture, beds, closet etc.

Operation 3:
Alucard suggested to invite people he may hate *cough cough claude* or people who might take a liking to him *cough cough grell*

So they invited Claude and Grell around we promised Grell he could do whatever he wanted with Sebastian he fancied tongue the most. The whole time Claude was just criticising about Sebastian's job as a butler while Sebastian was fighting Grell the whole time, "hey sebby look Ciel is being kidnapped!", Phoenix shouted while pointing behind Sebastian, "young master!", sebastian shouted allowing to put his guard down he then got a big smooch on the cheek by Grell "oh darling bassy we should do this again some time!", Grell said after he ran and jumped out the window.

2 hours later~
Claude eventually went home Sebastian looked like a hot mess, "I'm going to go for a shower", Sebastian says and with that he leaves and enters the bathroom....

"You thinking what I'm thinking?", Phoenix smirked

"If it involves this then yeah", Brooke says as she grabs her iPhone 6 and puts it on camera.

Phoenix Brooke and alucard crept into the bathroom they were listening to Sebastian singing In the shower

"What a shithole", Phoenix whispers

"I'm a barbie girl in the barbie world", Sebastian starts singing, Phoenix has to push her mouth shut tighter to prevent her from laughing while Brooke fell on top of alucard while holding her hand tightly around her mouth with giggles coming out. Phoenix signalled for Brooke to take the picture, Phoenix walked with Brooke up and she pulled the curtains to the side revealing Sebastian naked!

"Wow", alucard said extending the O

"I'll never sleep again", Phoenix says while covering her eyes, Brooke starts taking pictures with her phone "strike a pose for me baby", Brooke says in a stupid accent. Alucard is laughing like the maniac he is, and Phoenix had to clutch her stomach she was laughing so much. Sebastian was blushing redder and redder each time the camera flash would come on,

"Ok I'm done", Brooke says bluntly and walks to stand next to the door, Phoenix walks up to Sebastian "make sure you don't drop the soap", she says while smirking, she grabs a soap bar and throws it at him causing Sebastian to fall over in the shower, the three of them all run out laughing.

Operation 4:
Brooke's idea was to annoy Sebastian by calling him Claude all day and saying stuff if him and Claude are a thing and with William. Sebastian had to wear his glasses which gave an advantage,

Sebastian was wandering around with his glasses on "hey Sebastian", Phoenix called out, Sebastian turned to look at her, "you look like Claude with those on but hey I'm not complaining Claude is way cooler than you", she says making Sebastian's brow twitch,Sebastian leaves the room and finds alucard leaning up against the door frame "hey Claude how's it going", alucard asks, "it's me Sebastian!", he shouts out "oh sorry", alucard says while trying not to laugh.

"Hey Sebastian I was wandering if you are secretly dating Claude", Brooke asked "no I'm not", he responds, "ok then explain William", she says trying not to laugh "what?!", Sebastian screams out, "

well I thought you and Claude were dating and you guys are responsible for William as in you gave birth to him, he looks the same to you", Brooke says

"And yes I'm implying you were the girl I the situation", Brooke adds

Sebastian leaves the room mumbling stuff under his breath.

Operation 5-final:
Everyone came up with the idea to post all Sebastian's pictures of him in the shower on Facebook and all the media so that happened, Phoenix showed the picture to mey rin she instantly got a nosebleed and stored the picture under her bed, Phoenix thought it would be good to share the pictures with everyone which meant Claude,Grell, Ciel, alois, ash and even the undertaker had copies of the pictures

For a laugh alucard and Brooke stuck the picture everywhere all over the walls not one bit of the walls were showing. It was funny until Sebastian told Brooke Phoenix and alucard off...

"You win please leave me alone!!", Sebastian begged then fell to the floor.

"Deal", they all said at he same time

"We were just showing you who was boss", Brooke said

"You can clearly see who the dominate one is", Phoenix said...

"HEY!!! WHERE HAS MY SILVERWARE GONE!!", Sebastian shouted

"I buried them somewhere out In The forest but I forgot where", alucard said while smirking

Sebastian fell to the floor and starting throwing a tantrum like a 3 year old....

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