Chapter 1

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I know how much shit I might get for this but I don't care I want to write it. Also I posted this om another site already.

Seth's POV.

I sit on the edge of my bed trying to control my anger. I can't believe it. I refuse to believe it. He couldn't have imprinted on her. It was impossible, but I know it's true. Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee and there is nothing I can do about it.

The way he'll look at her, his eyes will fill with love. I start to shake with anger. He should be looking at me like that. Not her.

I jump out my window and phased into my wolf. I run towords the cliff and phase back to my normal body. I can't do it anymore. If I die it will all be over. I take a short breath and jump. The moment I touch the water I hear yelling. I shut my eyes and let myself sink.

I feel a hand, as someone grabs me. I kick at them trying to escape there grip but I'm not strong enough. I feel myself get dragged onto the beach. I look up and see him.

"Why did you try to drown yourself," he barks. I look away, tears forming in my eyes. "Tell me," he orders. "It was because of you," I yell. His grip softens and I pull away. "What do you mean it was because of me," he asks his voice soft. I turn away from him and run. I can't look at him. Not like this.

I phase again and this time run straight home. I put clothes on and get into my mom's car. I need to leave. I can't stay here. I can't see him. Not now. Not ever.

I drive for hours and end up in Seattle. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Eight new messages. All of them are from Jacob. Where are you?

What did you mean?

Why did you leave?

Please answer me.



Are you hurt?

I'm coming to find you. I grab my phone and answer quickly.

I'm fine. Just leave me alone, Jake.

I drop my phone on the seat and just sit for a few minutes. I realize I don't have any money and will eventually have to go back. I hear my phone vibrate. I check and see it was my mom.


Seth. Where are you?

Mom. I'm okay. I just need to get out of town for a little.

Okay. Promise me you won't get into any trouble though.

I promise My phones about to die. See you later.

Okay. I love you.

Love you too. Bye .

I hung up and sat my phone down. My mom is the only person I told. Thats the only reason she let's me leave. I rub my eyes and fall asleep, dreaming of Jake.

Jacob's POV.

I sat on the ground. I am to stunned to move. I feel my phone vibrate.

What do you want, Bella.

Jeez. Ness just wants to hang out with you.

I'm sorry. I can't today. I need to find Seth.

Why? What did you do?

I don't know. He got mad and ran off. And why do you just blame me.

I can see if Edward can read his thoughts. And because reasons.

How? He's not in Forks. I've already searched. And what reasons.

Don't worry Jake. We'll find him.

I hang up and drop my phone. Why did he leave? What had I done to him? Where is he?  I stared at the water. If anything happens to him... I will never forgive myself. If only I knew what was wrong. If only...

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