Chapter 6

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I laid on Jacob's bed. He'd found me in the woods sleeping against a tree and had carried me here. He'd suggested Paul's but that idea was quickly rejected.

There was a meeting tonight but I was told not to go so I had my guesses it was about me.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out.



Come on. You can't ignore me forever.

How much you want to bet.


If you don't stop texting me, I will block you.

Fine. I love you. 


I got out of Jake's bed and walked out. I needed to leave. I couldn't stay. It was to painful just laying and doing nothing all day.

I walked to Emily's. I opened the door and as per usual she was cooking.

"Hey Em," I said and she smiled.

"Hello Seth. Muffin," she asked and of course I took one.

"How are you," she asked.

"I don't know. Paul and I got in a fight so I just went to Jake's and stayed the night," I said and took another bite of my muffin.

"It'll work out. And if it doesn't maybe you can get with Jacob," she said.

I almost choked on my muffin. "Wait. You know," I said.

"Yeah. Sam told me after I asked him who you imprinted on," she said.

"Well what do I do," I asked.

"Tell him," she said simply.

"I can't. If he hates me I don't know what I would do," I said my eyes slowly starting to tear up.

"How do you know he would hate you," she asked.

"Because he imprinted and he isn't gay. He's with Renesmee and he loved Bell before that so he could never love me."

"Seth. You know how imprinting works. It doesn't mean he wants to be with her. You want him. It's very obvious," she said.

"But what if he does end up hating me," I said.

"Then I'll have Sam make him not hate you," she said.

I sighed and walked out after thanking her for the advice. I walked down the street and thought about it. Maybe I should. But what about Ness. Me and her were kind of friends. We'd go to the lake some days and just mess around. Those were when I babysat her.

Which reminds me, wasn't I supposed to be watched?

As if on cue I heard his bike pull up. "Hey Seth. I was on my way to pick you up and Em called me and told me you had just left her place. Come on. Let's go to the beach. I could use a swim," he said.

I rolled my eyes but got on the bike and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled myself close to him and this felt right. I swear I saw his lips curve into a smile when I pulled myself close to him.

He started the short drive to the beach and when we arrived he jumped off and sprinted to the water. His shirt flew off of him and he turned around and smiled a big goofy smile.

"Come on Seth," he yelled and I rolled my eyes, but took my shirt off and ran into the water.

He smiled and tackled me. I laughed and felt myself slip and fall. Jake's eyes grew and he caught me. Our faces were so close. And I didn't care now.

I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him.

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