Chapter 15 - Confession

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Scarlett's POV

Laying on my back, head facing the ceiling, my stomach was churning. My mom came home at 11:00, an hour and 30 minutes after I had already fallen asleep.

She never unlocked my door, nothing. Never said goodnight, nothing. It's almost 7:00, Sunday now. Hopefully my door is unlocked so I can eat.

I get up out of my bed and look around for the old Blackberry I used to call my mother last night. After looking around the room, I found it in a corner. I picked it up and turned it on. The screensaver was still the same from when I used to text and call people on it, It was a picture of me and Jack.

I quickly open up the phone and look through the texts, pictures, and junk that was still stored on this phone. It's been over 2 years since this old crappy thing. I throw it back onto the floor, just as my door creeps open.

My mother is wearing her bathrobe, getting ready for church. She looks at me, and at the room, and then shuts my door - leaving it unlocked this time.

I open my door back up and walk over to the bathroom, I haven't gone to the restroom in what feels like ages. I quickly get in the shower after washing my hands from the toilet germs.

I run shampoo in my hair, and scrub it. It feels good, being clean. I usually take my showers in the evenings. I don't understand why people take them in the morning, you have to get up early and you're not even awake half the time.

I spend the rest of my "mom free" morning eating a lot of food. Stuffing my face with whatever my stomach lead me to, cake, cinnamon bread, orange juice, and surprisingly those packaged sausage biscuits.

I brush my teeth, and bring my electronics back to my room. I turn my phone back on, to find many missed calls and texts.

From Suzzane:

heard what happened, give me a call

From Brent:


From Jenn:

hey call me

I decided to ignore my friends, and head to the internet. I clicked on my youtube app, and pulled up O2L first. I watch Kian's video from last night and head back to the kitchen to get some fresh water.

After I watch his video on "HIS FIRST KISS" I click on a recent uploaded video by Ryan Higa, about relationships, and how fucked up they can be. Is it sad that I agreed with every part of his video?

I return to my room, and head to INSTAGRAM, the usual people posting "selfies" with the overused hashtags and duck faces. TWITTER, was it's usual with Harry Style's weird, confusing tweets and Zayn's promotions of buying Midnight Memories, and of course Niall being the gem he is.

I close my laptop and phone, and decide to get a needed nap, since I finally got some food in my stomach.

A few hours after I had fallen asleep, my mom came home from Church, she brought home some of her Book Club friends. Their loud mouthes made me wake up, I woke up with messy hair and a dire need of a brushing.

I look up at my phone, it was 11:00, I had slept for 3 hours. I had some missed calls from my mom and Suzanne and Jenn. I finally come out of my room to see the 5 women, eating and cackling with my mom. My mom calls it her "book club" friends, but I swear it's for single mothers.

"Where have you been?" my mom asked me, using her friendly "i-swear-i'm-a-nice-mother- voice"

"Asleep." I told her grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and sitting down by Meredith, one of the younger single mothers. My mom began talking to them again, ignoring my entire existence.


After my mom's supposed book club meeting she took me out for lunch. That's the weird thing my mother does, she'll be nice sometimes, and at other times, she's horribly mean. But I think sometimes she just takes me out to eat because she wants to make me all mushy, and then yell at me later.

"I need to tell you about something." my mother says as I look at the menu of the restaurant we're in.

"uh-what?" ok, this was getting a bit weird, first taking me out to lunch, then trying to actually talk to me.

"I'm a horrible parent." got that right, I think to myself. "I've never told you about your father, and I should."

"What made you think of telling me this."

"I saw him last night when I went out for a drink, and he's married now, and has children of his own."

I nod my head along with what she's saying.

"We talked a little..."

I interrupted her "Mom, please, get to the point."

"Okay, well, He wants to meet you." she says to me. "Actually, I'm so sorry." she starts balling her eyes out. "I have a confession."

I look around me. We're in a nice restaurant and my mom is crying, she's going to embarrass me.

"Mom, can you tell me in the car?"

"I-uh, sure." she says, getting up from the chair. We hadn't ordered yet, I was starving, and just wanted to eat. I leave the menus on the table, assuming we'll still be coming back to eat.

I jump in the front seat, mom, still teary-eyed and sad looking.

"I was 18, just like you. I-uh, I had sex with a man, well, another 18 year old man. His name was Nathan Welsh. All these years I told you, he was a bad man, and he took my virginity. Scarlett, it's not true."

My mom starts tearing up even more, and her confession starts getting me confused and anxious to hear what she's going to say.

"Scarlett, I made him have sex with me. It was never him who forced it upon me. I didn't expect us to have a child. And remember all those years, how I told you he never wanted to see you, he did, I just didn't want him to." she says looking away from me ashamed.

"Why, after all these years, why tell me this now?" I ask to her, I was still confused, and a little angry.

"Because, he wants to see you and meet you, he wants to-uh, claim you as your father." she says, with a massive gulp at the end. "We have to go." she says starting the engine of the car and driving away from the restaurant before I could object, driving me away, to meet my father.


I met my father today. It turns out, he's a really nice man. He has two children and a wife. I guess he moved on from my mother. My mother told me she's been seeing him lately, she kept telling him he couldn't see me. But he finally threatened her this time.

I guess the person I should be mad at most, is my mom, but for some reason I'm not. She's lied to me all these years, telling me she was forced to have sex with this guy, when she was the one who forced him.

In another way, I'm mad at her, because she's overreacting to me and Jack kissing, like who cares. In other words, my mom is crazy, I guess I'll be spending more time with Nathan, should I call him my father yet? and his children... Who I happened to learn is Lucy and Parker.


AUTHOR'S NOTE - I did use common you-tubers. But the videos i mentioned are NOT real videos that they have made (I think) , so please don't try to go looking for them. LOL. Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

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