Chapter 2 : Snow fail

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Chapter 2

The next day...

Riker POV

I was sort of proud of myself for being sort of brave, and getting Ava's number. I was super excited because she was really pretty and really nice.

Currently, I was walking with my family to the ski place. I was dressed in my snow pants and winter coat. We were going to be skiing and snowboarding.

When we got to the top of the mountain, I spotted Ava. And she waved at me. I waved back, and got myself situated to go down the mountain. I was snowboarding today.

I haven't done this in like 3 years, but here goes nothing...

I started down the mountain. But I sort of forgot how to keep my balance and steer this thing, and I ended up totally wiping out and getting a face full of snow.

I sat up, and wiped the snow off of my face. I saw Ava laughing at me, and I blushed hard. Well that's embarrassing...

Ross came over to me, and helped me up. And I attempted to go back down the mountain. About halfway down, I fell again, and started rolling down the mountain. I managed to stop myself, and stand up. I kept going until I got to the bottom. That was a rough start...

I saw Ava get to the bottom. She was on skis, and she looked completely perfect.

"You're pretty good at snowboarding," Ava said, smirking slightly at me.

"Yeah, well I haven't done this in like 3 years. I just need a little more practice."

We got on the ski lift together. I don't really care if I can snowboard. I'm just glad Ava isn't rejecting my company and stuff. And I intend to make her my girlfriend. I really like her.


Riker POV

Ava and I were hanging out in the ski lodge right now, warming up a little.

"Who's this?" Someone asked, walking up to us.

"Dad, this is Riker," Ava said.


"And I met him yesterday. He's really nice."

Her dad sat down across from us.

"Is he more than a friend?" He asked.

"Well... We never really talked about that yet-"

"What do you do for a living? Do you even have a job yet?" Her dad asked.

"Uh... Yes. I'm in a band."

Her dad laughed.

"A band? You're in a band? Ava, you're not dating him."

"Why not!?" She asked.

"I'm not letting my daughter date some rockstar skater boy. No way. Go find someone who goes to Harvard."


"Nope. My decision is final. You can leave now, Riker."

I looked at Ava, and she just shrugged. I got up, and sat down at another table, far away. But about a minute later, I got a text.

"Riker, I really like you, and I don't want to say goodbye," Ava texted.

"I really like you too. What can we do though?"

"I don't know."

"Why doesn't he like me? Because I'm in a band?"

"No. It's because our family is sort of proper, so he doesn't really like boys who are crazy and... well... people like you."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Well, your hair is sort of crazy. I like it, and I know your fans like it. But it's not what my dad likes. He likes people who dress well and look neat and tidy."

"Wait. Do you think you could like teach me how to be proper?"

"Uh... Sure. But we can't let my dad know I'm seeing you. Otherwise we'll both get in trouble."

"Ok. Wait. Are you ok with me not being all proper and perfect?"

"Riker, I honestly don't care about all that. I sort of don't really like being proper and perfect, but it's my dad's rules."

"Ok... Well good. I'm glad you still like me."

"Alright, I have to go. We're heading back out to the slopes."



Riker POV

So the plan was for me to sneak out tonight after dinner, and sneak into Ava's bedroom in her cabin so she can teach me how to be proper.

I was having dinner now in the living room. I was leaning against Ross, eating pizza and texting Ava.

"My cabin number is 13. My bedroom is in the basement, so the window is sort of small."

"Ok. I'll leave when I'm done with dinner. It's almost dark, so that will help me not get caught."


I finished up with my pizza, and then went up to my room to change. I pulled on some skinny jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and I put on my snow boots. I grabbed my leather jacket, and went downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going out. I'll be back before bed," I called.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh... exploring...?"

"Be careful."

"I will, mom."

I left the cabin, and walked down the path to the other cabins. It was snowing a little, and it was really cold. My hands were the coldest because I didn't have gloves or anything.

I found cabin 13, and I saw a light on in the basement, and I saw Ava.

I crept over to the window, and knocked lightly. Ava opened it.

"Do you think you can fit through the window?"

"Uh... maybe..."

I tried going in feet first, but I couldn't touch the ground. I tried going in head first. Ava's bed was below the window, so I'd have a safe landing if I fell.

But I got stuck.

"Uh... Ava, I think I'm stuck."

"Do you want me to pull you?"

"Uh... sure."

Ava grabbed my hands, and started pulling me. I fell through the window, and landed on Ava's bed. And my pants had fallen down from being squished through the window. I quickly pulled my pants back up. Part of the problem was that I wasn't wearing a belt. I blushed as I sat up on Ava's bed.

"Ok, well now that that's over..." Ava said, making me blush more.

"Sorry," I said, starting to sweat a little.

"It's fine. Just don't sneak in the window in front of my dad," she said, laughing.

"Yeah, don't worry. I won't. So what are we going to do first?"

"I was thinking table manners."


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