Chapter 10 : Moping around

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Chapter 10


Rydel POV

I finally got Riker to fall asleep. There were tear stains on his cheeks, but he was asleep. And that had been my goal all night.

I quietly slipped out of his bed, and into my own room.

There were quiet knocks on my door a minute later. I opened the door, and it was Rocky.

"Is he ok?" Rocky asked.

"I don't know... He's just heartbroken, but I finally got him to go to sleep, so don't wake him up."


Rocky left, and I sighed. It's been a really long night for me and Riker...

Middle of the night...

Rydel POV


I opened my eyes, seeing nothing but darkness.




"What's wrong?"

"Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Yeah, of course. Why? What's wrong?"

"I just feel sad... And alone..."

"Aw, Riker."

"I miss Ava!"

I could hear him starting to cry. I found his hand in the dark, and pulled him into bed next to me. He laid his head on my shoulder, and continued to cry quietly.

"It'll be ok, Riker. Maybe Ava will call you tomorrow. Or you could call her. I think you guys should talk."


"Try to get some sleep, ok?"


Riker adjusted his position a little, and snuggled down under the covers a bit more.

"Night, Riker."



Riker POV

I'd been moping around the house all morning. Rydel wouldn't let me be locked up in my bedroom, or her bedroom for that matter.

"Let's go for a walk, ok?" Rydel asked.

"I don't feel like it," I grumbled.

"Too bad. Go get your shoes and a coat on."

I put on my converse and a sweatshirt. And then I followed Rydel out the door.

"It's too cold for a walk," I whined.

"You'll warm up as you walk."

"What is the point of this?"

"To get you out of the house. I can't stand seeing you mope around. You've been doing it all morning."

"Because I'm upset."

"Yeah, I know. I called Ava this morning before you woke up."

"What!? Rydel!"

"She's coming over in about a half hour so you two can talk, ok?"

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