Chapter 14 : Dinner alone

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Chapter 14

A few days later...

Riker POV

"Riker, my dad says that since you've been my boyfriend for so long, I mean... It's a long time compared to all my other boyfriends... He wants to have you over for dinner and talk to you again," Ava said.

"Why!? I already got approved! What's he going to do to me this time!?"

"I don't know. None of my other boyfriends have ever made it this far."

"Ava... Be honest... Am I doomed?"

"Um... I don't think so. Just remember how to act."

"When does he want me to come over?"



"Yeah. At 7:00 for dinner."

"That only leaves me like 20 minutes to get ready!"

"I know. I'm sorry, Riker. He didn't tell me until just now. I think he wanted to catch you off guard to really test you."

I put her on speaker. 

"Ok. I'm getting dressed. Can you run over everything I need to know?"

I threw my clothes off, and put on some nicer ones.

"Please and thank you. Always remember those..."

I ran to the bathroom and did my hair. I took out my contacts while Ava was explaining which side of the plate the drink and the silverware goes on.

"Riker, are you leaving yet?"

"I am in a minute! I won't be late! Don't worry! I'll see you soon!"

I hung up, and quickly used the bathroom. And then I got in my car, and drove to Ava's.

I nervously walked to the front door. Ava answered it, and she looked really worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, quietly.

"It's not a family dinner."

"Then what is it?"

"It's a dinner between you and him only. I won't be there to help you."

"Oh my god..."

"Mr.Lynch! So glad you could make it!" Her dad said, walking up behind her.

He stuck out his hand, so I shook it. I followed him inside. There was a table for 2 set in one of the rooms. I nervously sat down while Ava's dad closed the door so we were alone.

"Ok, first thing's first, Riker."

I looked up nervously. I'm honestly really scared.

"Do you love my daughter?"

"Yes, sir."

"None of her other boyfriends have ever lasted this long. Why do you think you have lasted the longest?"

He says that like he's killed off the other guys...

"Um. Well... Maybe they didn't care about Ava as much as I do...?"

"Good answer."

I sighed nervously. This is definitely a test.

"What do you intend to do with Ava as your girlfriend?"

"Um... I just want to make her happy. She means a lot to me."

"Another good answer... I'm impressed, Lynch."

I smiled nervously. 

Someone brought our food. It's the damn snails again.

Ava's dad smirked at me. 

I let him put the snails on his plate first, and then I took some. I'm so not amused by this. But I love Ava, so I'll eat them. This better be the last time though!

I ate the snails. Ava's dad didn't ask anything else. And the silence made me so anxious.

I finally finished my food.

"Alright, Riker. You've proved to be a decent boy for my daughter. No boy has lasted this long, and been willing to learn the ways of the rich just for my daughter. And since you have eaten your dinner and been a gentleman, you can date my daughter. No more questions asked."

He stood up, so I stood up too. And I shook his hand again. 

Then he left the room. Ava came running in, and jumped into my arms, almost making me tip over.

"You did it! I can't believe it!"

"I can't believe it either. I had to eat more snails!"

Ava laughed.

"Thanks, Riker. No boy has ever put up with my dad."

"Well I really like you."

"Good because I really like you too."

She kissed me.

"I love you, Riker. Thanks for doing all this to be my boyfriend."

"It was worth it."

The end.

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