Chapter 9 : "Jailbird"

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Chapter 9

The next day...

Riker POV

My phone woke me up because it rang. I grabbed it, not opening my eyes yet, and hit answer.

"Mmmm... Hello?" I asked, yawning.

"Riker, um... I don't think I can date you anymore," Ava said.

I sat straight up.


"Your name was uh... it was on a website, and my dad found out you got arrested."

I sighed, remembering what happened last night.

"Yeah, well did you tell him why I got arrested? I was saving you, Ava. And if I didn't, I wouldn't have gotten arrested, and you would've."

"Yeah, thanks for saving me, Riker."

"Why did you even go to that party!?"

"I don't know... It was stupid..."

"Yeah, it was. My dad had to come bail me out of jail, and he wasn't too happy about it."

"Yeah, I can imagine."

"Ava, have you thought about telling your dad the truth? You know, that you're the reason I got arrested?"

"No... Riker, I'll be in so much trouble! He'll take away my car!"

"Well... I can't do anything, Ava. It's up to you. It's either get in trouble, or... I can't be your boyfriend anymore... But I really hope you choose to keep me. Ava, I really like you. Please tell your dad the truth."

"Riker, he'll be so mad and disappointed!"

"He'll understand, Ava. Everyone makes mistakes."

"Riker... I don't know if I can."

I sighed.

"Ava, please. I really like you. And I worked so hard to get approved by your dad! Please, Ava."

"I'll... think about it, ok?"

I sighed.

"Fine... Call me when you've made up your mind."


She hung up, and I sighed. I was really annoyed with her because I worked so hard to get approved. And now she's just throwing that all away. I wasn't the one who made the mistake. She was. And I'm taking the blame for it. It's not fair.

I heard a knock on my door, and I called for whoever it was to come in. It was Rydel.

"You ok?"

"What? Yeah... Fine..."

"Mom told me what happened last night."

"Ava's dad found out, and I'm not allowed to date her anymore unless Ava tells her dad what really happened."

"She didn't tell him?"

"No... She's too concerned about getting in trouble. And it sucks."

"I'm sorry, Rik. I know how much you liked her."

"She still might decide to tell him... She said she'd let me know... I'm just annoyed right now... If I were her, I'd tell her dad. I wouldn't care about getting in trouble. You know I'm not good with lies, and I'd feel so guilty. And I wouldn't want to give up my girlfriend. I just can't understand why she won't tell him. I think it's totally worth it."

Rydel sat next to me.

"I'm sorry, Rik."

I sighed again, and leaned my head on her shoulder. She put her arm around me, and lightly rubbed my back a little bit.

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