Mirkwood part 2

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I was walking with Maleficent and my hand was on hilt of my sword. I was on edge and it didn't help that everyone was yelling at each other "i'm glad your here methranduel" I said "I thought you couldn't speak elvish" Maleficent said and smiled "I can say my friend" I told her. Then we stopped "WHAT IN DURIN'S NAME DID WE STOP FOR, Thorin" I yelled. Thorin shot me a look I stuck my tongue out and giggled "don't do that Mili" uncle said. I rolled my eyes and Thorin said we  shall make camp. "this is not the time" Maleficent said "why" I asked "orcs have taken up residence in Dol Guldur" she said "so no yelling at your uncle" she said and the two ravens landed on Maleficent's and my shoulders.

~the next day~ I was again walked next to Maleficent. Uncle called my name and I walked up to him "yeah" I asked "what's the matter with you" he asked "nothing just on edge" I said half of that was the truth. He smiled and I fell back to Maleficent. I spotted Bilbo climbing a tree. I heard a branch or twig snap and I looked at Bilbo and he was fine "Maleficent" I asked worried "spiters" she said and something bit my arm. I screamed in pain and fear and blacked out.  

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