The Patrol That Happened

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I have to say, I've never jumped out of a window in a Paris bakery before. Nor do I ever want to again.

Just because I landed on my feet doesn't mean I didn't have about twenty heart attacks on the way down. Somehow in those few seconds when I was falling through midair I managed to contemplate my entire existence and compose what I wanted on my tombstone.

I landed in a crouched position, my eyes narrowed and my fingers gripping the ground, Suddenly I realized that my suit had claws that dug into the ground, keeping me steady.

I could get used to this.

Well, that's one of us.

"Patrol starts at the Eiffel Tower, I think." Nyllis told me. "We should go. Like, now."

"I don't know how to move anymore," I complained, randomly moving my arms to prove my point. "What am I supposed to do?"

I would suggest walking.

"I wasn't asking you!"

I took a tentative step, and it proved to go just fine. However, when I started to run, I dropped to all fours and ran before I realized what exactly had happened.

"Gods, I'm confused."

"Just keep going. You'll get it eventually."

When I finally reached the Eiffel Tower, I realized something that should have been obvious and yet wasn't: I had no idea how to get to the top. I contemplated waving my arms, but that probably wouldn't help.

Have you tried climbing the side of the building?

No. He probably hasn't.


"Fine," I muttered. I stood up, placing my hand on the side of the Eiffel tower. I decided against climbing it almost immediately,  but there wasn't much else I could have done. Fortunately, I was spared from the decision, as Chat Noir and Ladybug both decided to show themselves. They would have breezed right past me if I hadn't grabbed Ladybug's yoyo.

Ladybug looked at me without much surprise. "Hi."

I blinked. "Hi? Is that all you're going to say to me?"

"Yeah," Chat Noir shrugged. "We knew you were coming. You're just on time for patrol."

"What's your name?" Ladybug asked.

I fished for a name. I had watched enough Marvel to know that superheroes couldn't use their real names, so I chose the first one that came to mind.


Ladybug blinked. "Your name is Nyllis?"

"Yup," I nodded. "Nyllis."

Chat Noir shrugged. "Well then, come along." He swung his baton and jumped with... well, cat-like strength and flexibility, swinging from one rod to the other. Ladybug lassoed a pole near the top of the Eiffel tower and swung up, leaving me bewildered on the ground.

Well what the h*** are we supposed to do now?

I hate to admit it, but even I'm lost on this one.

There's no way to climb an Eiffel Tower, jaguar or no jaguar. Jaguars climb trees, not towers.

"I can do both!" I declared, climbing the rods. Within seconds, I had climbed back down. "Nope."

Told ya.

"Can you not climb or something?"  Chat Noir shimmied back down. I shook my head, not willing to admit my weakness.

"That's okay." In one swoop, he grabbed me in his arms and jumped up himself. I screamed as the air ran through my orange-cream hair, unsure of what exactly to do. I was deposited on a landing, where I promptly punched him in the arm (claws in, of course).


"Warning would be nice!"

"I agree," Ladybug nodded, walking next to me. "You should find a way to climb, Nyllis. It will make battling harder if you're stuck to the ground."

Chat Noir looked thoughtful. "Actually, it might help if you stuck to the ground. We could be air fighters while you kept the akuma occupied."

I blinked. "Sure. Okay. Yeah."

"Anyways, time for patrol!" Ladybug peered over the edges of the railing. "See anything wrong?"

Chat Noir and I both pricked our ears. "Nope," he said, and I nodded subtly, not wanting to point that there was a black butterfly circling a tourist right below us. I didn't want to contest Chat Noir's opinion, and my eyesight could totally have been wrong.

Of course, when the screams started, I fully repented of my silence. They startled me so much that I tipped over the railing and landed right on the akumatized Parisian, sending him tumbling to the ground. Even with my jaguar-like reflexes that kept me on my feet (paws?) I was a bit in shock. Falling was one of my worst fears. Had I just... done it?

Maybe it was best not to think about it.

"Aaargh!" The akumatized man roared. "What are you?"

In a split second, I realized that my dark outfit could be mistaken for an akuma. Maybe I could use this to my advantage?

I growled. "We shall have our revenge!"

The man gave an evil smile, seeming to like me immediately. "No one shall ever refuse my bread again!" He pulled out a large croissant that gave off a purple air. The smell was so intoxicating that I felt my eyes cross.

D***, that's good bread.

"My bread is irresistible!" The akumatized baker announced. "Soon, I will have all of Paris under my control!"

People everywhere were drawing closer to his huge croissant, seeming hypnotized by the bread. It was all I could to to stay awake myself. I could practically feel the bread taking over me... well, that was a thought I never thought I'd think.

"Not anymore!" Ladybug's yoyo sliced through the air and cut the bread in half with a sizzle. An akuma flew out, and the man slumped to the ground. Ladybug captured the akuma, cleansed it, and set it free.

I felt like slumping along with the baker. The Parisians woke up, blinking and wondering what they had been doing. The baker was staring at his suspiciously empty basket of bread.

I mopped some sweat from my forehead. "What was that?"

"An easy akuma." Chat Noir rolled his eyes, settling down next to me. "The usual ones we see on patrol."

I started to feel uneasy, like I had just passed some sort of test. "Oh."

I was this tired from one simple akuma? Maybe I wasn't really cut out for this whole superhero thing.

I agree, personally. 

Nobody's set out for superhero duty when they first accomplish it, right? We just need practice.

Since when were you the optimist?

Since I was created, stupid.

I smiled. "That's cool. So... more patrol, or is that it?"

Chat Noir grinned. "I like this one." He pulled his arm around my waist and twirled his baton. "We still have a bit more sightseeing to do, mon chéri."

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