1. Takeo's Life

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 Sweet, seven year old Takeo was sitting on the floor in his room playing with his toys and stuffed animals. He was having the greatest time. Then his door open to the sound of his sweet mother's voice, " Hey sweetie it's time to eat dinner," He smiled and quickly put his toys away, he loved his mother's food. She always cooked her food homemade she never cooked it from the box, unless she is really sick.

Takeo's mother picked him up and started walking down the hallway to the kitchen. His father was already sitting down by the table. Takeo jumped out of his mother's hands to the floor, when he got up he hugged her and sat down.

They started to pray " Dear god thank you for this day and the life we have. Thank you for our son Takeo, Thank you for his father and I. Thank you for our life. Bless this food to our bodies Amen,"

Takeo loved his mother's prayers, it was was sweet, slow, and nice. She always had faith in the lord.

After eating, Takeo got in the shower washing up. When he was done he went to bed. 

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