9 Mother gone

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When they got to Takeo's house Takeo knocked on the door.

His father open the door.

" It took you long enough!" His father yelled.

" I'm sorry father I saw at Seth's house," Takeo told in a quiet voice.

" You two get in here now!" Takeo was confused on why he was acting like this. Seth grabbed Takeo's hand to comfort him.

Takeo's father demanded them to sit down and so they did.

" Now earlier today your...mother died," His father said slowly.

Takeo didn't even know he was crying until he felt a tear falling down his face. He couldn't believe it.

" No you're lying she can't be dead," Takeo didn't want to believe not for one minute.

" She did son, I don't think I would lie about your mother's death!" His father's voice got louder. " I loved as much as you did!" Takeo started crying like no tomorrow.

" She is not dead, She can't be, She was so young!" Takeo screamed and ran up stairs to his room. Seth got up and ran after him.

When Seth got to the door, it was locked. Seth knocked softly. " Takeo it's me. Can I come in?"

Seth heard a click from the door and it opening for Seth see a sobbing Takeo. " I'm so sorry Tae," Seth apologise. Takeo did not say anything but hugged Seth tightly and Seth hugged back.

They stayed like that for awhile.

Finally Takeo calmed down and let go. They both went into Takeo's room and layed in his bed. Takeo cuddled with Seth and fell asleep. Seth layed there watching Takeo sleep. He listen to Takeo's heart beat, it was slow and steady compared to earlier it was fast like a rabbit running away from a wolf. Seth felt bad for Takeo. " He doesn't deserve this," Seth said out loud knowing Takeo would hear him because he is a heavy sleeper. All Seth could think of how horrible Taeko felt, he wondered if Takeo felt the same way he did when he lost his parents.

An hour later Takeo woke up. He yawned and stretched.

When he looked at Seth he remember what happened. Takeo started crying again. Seth hugged him. " It's going to be okay, you have me and if you ever need me you know where I live. You know that right?" all Takeo could do was nod his head. Once Takeo calmed down Seth decided to order some pizza for Takeo.

Takeo and Seth went outside waiting for the pizza.

" I can't believe she is gone, just like that. She needs to be alive her with father and I." Takeo said. Seth couldn't think of anything to say. " I'm sorry Takeo this should not of happen and your father should not of told you that way," Seth said honestly.

Takeo nodded. " My father has his own way of showing his emotions. Seth nodded.

Jakob came with the pizza. " Hey guys I heard what happen. I'm very sorry Takeo,"

Takeo only nodded. Seth tried to pay for the pizza but Jakob refused. " It's on the house."

" Thank you jakob."

" You're welcome and Take care of my cousin please Seth," Jakob asked.

Seth nodded. " I will. I will make sure he happy," Seth said.

Takeo smiled and hugged Seth. Then Jakob left.

" Thank you Seth,"

" You are welcome Tae."

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