2. Moving

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The next morning Takeo was woken up by his mother. He was confused on why because he did not have school that day, or less he didn't thought. " What's the matter mother?" he asked in a quiet voice.

" Nothing's the matter, your father and I decided to move to America. But we wanted to make sure you also want to move too," She paused for a second thought. " So... Do you?" Takeo thought for a moment. Japan to America... that's pretty far... Takeo thought. Yes Takeo did live in Japan, but he was not japanese. Before Takeo was born his parents moved to Japan from America for a trip, but then stayed because Takeo was born. But then again he thought it would be fun, and he could make new friends. He didn't have many friends because he was different. One of his eyes were blue and the other was a dark green, and with his blue eye people thought it looked weird with his black hair because usually, you wouldn't see a black hair child with blue eye. It wasn't normal... It was different.

" I would love to go to America mother it's a new place to explore!" he chirped happily.

" That's the spirit Takeo. Now we will be leaving in two days so we need to get packing," his mother replied.

Takeo was so excited, he couldn't wait. He packed all of his clothes he wanted to take with him to America. Then he packed his toys and stuffed animals he loved. Then everything else he would need or want to take to America.

The next day they finished packing their things, the furniture, and whatever they needed. The moving truck was on its way to ship the things to the airport, so the airport can ship that to America where they are going to live.

Later on Takeo was getting hungry and of course they didn't have anything to eat. " Mother what are we going to eat?"

She chuckled. " Why don't we order pizza tonight? Would you like that?" He nodded his head happily. He loved when they have pizza. His mother order the pizza and 15 minutes later the pizza arrived.

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