8 Movie

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  After they ate pizza, they played more games.

" Ha I beat you this time Tae!" Seth yelled in victory.

" Yeah you did." Takeo said stressfully. " Games like this is stressful to play there is much to do just to beat it,"

Seth laughed. " Yeah but that is the fun of it." Takeo scoffed. " Sure it is,"

" Why don't we watch a movie?" Seth asked. Takeo sighed a sure.

They went down stairs to the living room to find a movie.

" What about 'A girl like her'?" Seth asked.

" Sure I have never seen it," Takeo agreed.

They out the movie in and sat on the couch.

After the movie they both were a crying mess.

" Why in the world would someone be so curl and then lie about it?" Takeo manage to say. Seth shook his head. Seth and Takeo hugged each other and promised each other if someone was bullying them that they would tell one another and get a end to it.

When they finally calmed down Takeo notice the time and it was getting late. " Well Seth it's getting late, i need to go."

Seth nodded and got up. " Why don't I see if you could come over Seth?" Takeo asked. Seth looked at him. " Sure well if it is not to much on your mother."

Takeo smiled. " i am sure it isn't. Let's go."

So Takeo waited until until Seth got his things packed.

And headed to his house even though it was beside Seth's.

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