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Nepgear stood in the Planeptower kitchen. Her light pink apron with gear designs tied around her neck and waist. She poured hot water into two teacups on the countertop, thinking if Neptune will enjoy this custom tea she was making. She mixed pudding into the tea since Neptune said and she quote. "Anything with pudding by default tastes amazing!" Nepgear finished stirring and took the tea into the living room where her sister was currently in abode to the beanbag playing the newest Alpha Planeptunian Console.

"Man there are a lot of bugs.. the menu screen has all the games but they don't work... Oh ,Nep.Jr! Great timing!"

"Here's your tea Neptune". Nepgear said happily placing the platter with 2 tea cups on the table.

"Thanks Nep.Jr, oh and could you let the developers know that the console they sent me doesn't work. The games on the new menu screen (that we definitely didn't model after Lastation's console menu screen) is frozen". Nepgear smiled and nodded before leaving the room to do just that.

Neptune loaded up her usual console and played one of the games, drinking the tea that Nepgear brought her which she then wished Nepgear was there so she could get her praise. After roughly half an hour Nepgear returned, but with company.

"Neptune I'm back, also Uni came over!" Nepgear exclaimed happily which Uni smiled in agreement.

"Coolio Nep.Jr! You guys can have the console then after I'm done this level! It's a tough one!" Neptune said exaggeratingly leaning side to side with her remote.

"Actually Neptune, Uni and I had an idea!" Neptune paused the game after hearing the word Idea which was one of her favourite words.

"What's your idea?"

"Me and Nepgear are going to switch places for the week, since we wanted to see what it was like to live in each other's shoes for once". Uni declared, Nepgear nodding next to her confirming her claim.

"Huh? Does Noire know about this?"

"Actually Noire was the one who suggested it..."

~Uni Flashback~

Uni sighed as she leaned against the railing of the Basilicom balcony, staring in the direction of Planeptune.

"I wonder what it's like to be Nepgear..." Noire walked passed Uni's open door to catch her sentence.

"Everything OK Uni?" Noire came up next to Uni, who just took notice to her sister, jumped in surprise to see her next to her.

"N-Noire! How long were you there?!"

"Just a few moments I guess.. If there's something bothering you Uni you can always tell me you know".

"I know Noire, it's just a thought I had".

"If you're so interested in how Nepgear lives then why don't you just switch places?"

"WHAT? I-I don't wanna leave Lastation!"

"Huh? No no, I meant for a week or so.. You two can just switch places for a bit, it will help boost your friendship I'm sure".

"I bet if Neptune were here she would have made a loner joke about you Noire if she heard that".

"What?.. well as long as you don't start doing that I'm fine with you mentioning it but you didn't have to say it".

"Hehe, sorry".

~Uni Flashback End~

"Well I guess If you guys are ok with it than I'm down". Neptune said standing up with a fist pump.

"Great! I got my bags, where should I put them?" Uni said excitedly. Neptune took a step back being unprepared for this.

"Wait you're doing this now?!"

"Of course! We both thought it would be best if we did it as soon as possible or we might forget".

Nepgear lead Uni to her and Neptune's room leaving Neptune in the dust.

Wait a minute... what if I said no? She already had her bags here... well I guess we're doing this so I better make the best out of it!

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