Day 4 Part 2

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Day 4


Nepgear sat at Noire's loo table, a tea set placed in the center, her gaze fixed downwards at the table rim. An onlooker would think she were admiring the fanciful carvings which laced the tables edge, but she was actually trying to ignore Noire and Vert whom were currently in a 'to the death' staring contest.

"U-Um... Noire? Vert? The tea is getting cold..."

[Earlier That Day]


Nepgear fixed up Uni's bed as she always does after she wakes up, making sure everything is as she found it. She walked out to the kitchen to find Noire had already eaten and left her dishes for the maids to wash, which they currently were doing. A plate with some toast, eggs, and yogurt lay at the end of the counter awaiting her for breakfast which Nepgear thanked the maids for before taking her dish to the dining room.

Nepgear placed her plate down on the wood carved table and was about to sit down when her NGear rang in her pocket.


"Hello Nepgear? If it wouldn't be a bother to you I am coming over today to visit, I got a lovely new tea set which I'm sure you would love to use with me, maybe later on you could come over and play a new game I bought, it's like the Butler one you played but has some extra features I'm sure you will find interesting". Vert 'offered' to Nepgear.

"Um.. I'm not sure if today is the best".

"Why not? Is me visiting today in inconvenience?" Vert questioned.

"Well not really, it's just... I'm with Noire for the week, in Lastation".

"Noire? I didn't think she would be the type to harbor guests for more than a day but I'm sure she wouldn't mind me visiting for a few hours".

"Hours? I thought we were just having tea?"

"Well of course but I was sent some amazing outfits by a few fans of mine which I thought would look perfect on you, so I thought we could try them out".

"O-Of course, I will ask Noire about it and get back to you soon!"

"Alright, i will keep check for your return call Nepgear. Talk to you soon". Vert hung up.

Uh oh, I don't know if Noire will let Vert come over! I know Neptune doesn't usually care unless Vert tries anything on me but I'm not sure about Noire...

Nepgear sat down at the table and started to eat her breakfast, her mind pondering what Noire might say when hearing her request from Vert. Nepgear was almost certain that Noire was currently working which meant she probably couldn't ask her right now. She would have to wait until Noire was finished which who knows how long that could take. Nepgear finished her plate, taking the dish to the sink to wash but being intercepted by the very insistent maids to go and do something else and they would wash it, making her give in and go back to her room.

"Geez what should I do?" Nepgear let herself fall back on Uni's bed

"Ms Nepgear?" A maid said at the door of the bedroom.

Nepgear bolted upwards to meet eyes with the maid.


"Lady Noire would like to talk with you, she's in her quarters currently and is doing work right now so she would like you to come to her".

"O-Of course! I will go right now". Nepgear nervously walked out of the room passed the now confused maid.

[Noire's Quarters]

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