Day 3

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Day 3



Neptune managed to get up on her own today, much to Uni's relief. Anyone would wake up if someone's face fell onto yours which startled Neptune when she woke. Uni still was nervous about the incident, not being able to do things with Neptune as willingly because of how honest she was about things. To keep a secret like that for the rest of the week from the person you're living with is hard for her. Normally she would talk to Noire about things that bothered her but she felt she couldn't tell anyone about it.

Uni walked down the halls of Planeptower carrying a pile of papers as she followed Histoire.

"Things are running a lot better with you around Uni". Histoire said happily as the work, which would have taken hours to complete, was done in half an hours time.

"No need to thank me, I'm just use to doing a lot of work. Lastation has much more work than Planeptune because of the advancements we have been doing".

"Sounds like Nepgear is going to have her hands full".

"Probably since Noire isn't one to hold back when things need to be done".

"I have to say though, I have noticed that something seems to be bothering you". Uni jumped at Histoires statement.

"I-I'm not s-sure what you mean Histoire".

"I don't know, but you seem more hesitant around Neptune than when you arrived here. Did something happen between you two?"

"W-What?! No, no, no, everything's fine!"

"Really? You seem stressed".

"You're one to talk Histoire".

"Well whatever, I must thank you as well for waking Neptune yesterday". Uni's cheeks turned a deep red at the memory.

"Whatever you did you must let me know. She was wide awake from whatever you did-".

"Sorry it's a Lastation Secret!" Uni speed walked away from Histoire to deliver the papers.


Uni sat at the couch again watching Neptune play the ever so addicting RPG game she loved to death. Her thoughts jumbled and scattered everywhere as she tried to figure a way out of this without giving away her secret.

Histoire is already onto me. I need to be more careful.

"You sure you don't want a try Uni? It's a really good game and I'd hate for you to feel left out~... Uni?" Uni was so lost in thinking about how to secure her secret better she could hear Neptune talking to her.

"Uuuuh... Hello? Uni ya in there?"

"W-What? Oh sorry I was thinking about stuff!" Neptune became interested in the 'Stuff' Uni was thinking about.

"Ooo~ what kind of stuff?" Neptune leaned closer to Uni which made Uni flinch, her cheeks reddening.

"Wha? Um.. uh.. I-It's something you wouldn't care about!"

"Whaaaaaaat? Come on~ tell your Ole Nepper, she's all ears~".

"I-I can't!"

"Hmm? Why not?"

"Just because!" Uni couldn't hold it in anymore as she sped off to her room leaving Neptune more confused than before.

"Um... ok then! You can tell me later I guess!" Neptune called before scratching her head and playing the game again.

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