Benefits of Holy Qur'an (Part 2)

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Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "The one thing that I am afraid for my Ummah the most, is people who interpret Quran according to what they think and like.

And benefit from it in a way that it's not right."

Imam Ali (as) said, "Learn the Quran for it is the best of speeches, and study it for it is the spring of the hearts."

《Surah As-Sajdah》

● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah every Friday night, will be given their scroll of deeds to their right hand and will not go through calculation in Judgement Day."

● Prophet (saw) used to read Surah As-Sajdah and Surah Al-Mulk every night before sleep.

● Reading this Surah at night helps being protected from Shaytan.


《Surah Al-Ahzab》

● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads this Surah and teach it to their family, will be safe from the punishment of the grave."

● Whoever reads this Surah a lot, will be in the neighborhood of Prophet (saw) in Judgement Day.

● 100 wishes: Imam Kazem (as) said, "Whoever reads Ayah 56 of this Surah after their morning and Maghrib prayer before standing up or even speaking to anyone. Then say:

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ وَ عَلَى ذُرِّيَّتِهِ وَ عَلَى أَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ‏.

'O Allah send Your blessings upon Muhammad (saw) Your Messenger and his offspring and his AhlulBayt (as).'

Allah (swt) will grant 100 of their wishes, 70 of them in this world and 30 of them in Hereafter."

● Whoever reads this Salawat:

« اللهم صلی علی محمد و آل محمد فی الاولین، و صلی علی محمد و آل محمد فی الاخرین، وصلی علی محمد و آل محمد فی الملا الاعلی و صلی علی محمد و آل محمد فی المرسلین، اللهماعط محمداً و آل محمد ، الوسیله و الشرف و الفضیله و ادرجة الکبیرة اللهم انی آمنت بمحمد و لم اره فلا تحرمنی یوم القیامه رویته و ارزقنی صحبته و توفنی علی ملته و اسقنی من حوضه مشرباً رویا سائغا هنیئاً لا اظمأ بعده ابداً انک علی کل شیء قدیر، اللهم کما آمنت بمحمد و لم اره فعرفنی فی الجنان وجهه ، اللهم بلّغ روح عنی تحیّة کثیرة و سلاما»

Every morning for 3 times and every night for 3 times.

All of their sins and mistakes will fade away and get destroyed.

Their happiness will continue, their prayers will be accepted, their wishes will be granted, their livelihood will increase, they'll have victory over their enemies, they'll have opportunities to do good in this world, and in Jannah they'll be one of Prophet (saw)'s Companion.


《Surah Saba》

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