Powerful Allies

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King Varian was listening to petitions when Ferrous came in.

"Ahhh, good morning Varian!"

The petitioner asked, "My lord who is this very strange man and can he wait until I finish my request?"

"This is a king from a far off planet, but King Ferrous can you please refer to me as KING Varian? And do you mind waiting for this man?"

"Alright KING Varian, but i wish to get down to buisness quickly, sir what is it you need?"

"I need some protection, and some help with my farm. Recently bandits have been attacking and ransacked all my crops and stole the townsfolks money. I NEED to get this shipment in by next week and i dont have NEAR enough crops!"

"Give me a moment."

Ferrous put his right hand to the ground, and all of a sudden a chunk of gold the size of his head came out of the ground!

"Ok this should solve the money problem."

"B-b-b-but HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?"

"Varian could you please explain this to your subjects as soon as possible?"

"I'll try, I can see how this can become annoying."

"Thank you, and now for the protection, crops, and lugging this chunk of gold problem."

Ferrous let out a long deep, roar, and in a matter of minutes a red dragontauren came flying into the throne room.

"Alright this is one of the dragonmen farmers, he will grow your crops in minutes, lug this gold and you over to your town, and handle the bandits problem with extreme force."

"Wait he can fight?"

"Not very well by dragonmen standards, but he will still be able to kill the bandits in a matter of minutes, now please get going, your village needs you, and I have important buisness to attend to."

"Thank your kind soul."

And with that the red dragontauren took the farmer and the gold out of the throne room and out of sight in meer seconds.

"Well that matter was resolved faster than anything else in this throne room."

"Yes, and this is what I am here about, the dragonmen wish to be welcomed back, we are now here to help and prove our loyalty to our home planet. And we wish to make allies."

"Thats great news! With the Dragonmen at our backs we will finally be able to defeat the Horde, there will be no more war and-"

"No, Var- KING Varian, we are doing the same thing for the Horde, we are here as Azeroth's protectors and will NOT take sides in a petty war over racism, we know what it is like to be hated, murdered, and even EXILED FROM OUR OWN PLANET! And all because of racism, so I state again, WE ARE HERE TO DEFEND AZEROTH FROM EVIL, WE WILL LEAVE THE REST TO YOUR ALLIANCES. But we will actually attempt to bring peace between the Alliance and Horde, but not by violent means, we will show reason and integrity among your races to bring Azeroth together."

With a grunt the human King replied, "Fine but i still think you should join our cause."

"Funny my brother is telling me Vol'jin just said the EXACT same thing."

"Well don't blame them your kind ARE very powerful."

"Well we're getting off track, I need to know about any problems among your people that you wish to deal with but do not have the means, we've learned the path to acceptance begins with the small stuff."

"Well there have been a lack of demons in Outland, I want it to be looked at, are they planning something or finally giving up?"

"Well if demons are involved it might be best for me to handle this personally."

"Are you sure you have the time?"

"I have all the time in the world. Or i guess now it would be three."

After they shared a quick laugh Ferrous was off to the Dark Portal.

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