The Story of the Dragonsons and Dragondaughters

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Ok so this chapter is supposed to explain the dragonsons and dragondaughters thing.

Long ago before Neltharions fall to madness, the aspects decided they should each have only 2 children among the lesser races, one son and one daughter, these are known as the dragonsons and dragon daughters.

Leo: The Bronze Dragonson, he is a gnome and very well portrays their nerdism, and overachievingness.

Layalma: The Bronze Dragondaughter, she is a blood elf, has a sibling rivalry with her brother, she and Leo both share rulership of the Bronze Dragonmen portion of the Chromatic Wings (The whole alliance among the Dragonmen), the capital in which they reside is the flying city of Kena'ros, most meetings among the leaders take place here due to the fact it is equidistant from all the other cities, and they won't be interrupted by evil natives.

Kinthara: The Green Dragondaughter, she is a Night Elf and Ferrous's wife, she rules with him as queen over the Chromatic Wings, and resides in his underground city, Nelth'arn, and helps keep his stress down with her powers granted by Ysera (Being the King of a planet and being charged with the duty of protecting it with his life as the most powerful being anyone from Azeroth, Outland, and Rehkan has ever seen, can be very stressful.)

Stenx: The Green Dragonson, he is a Human, and is overprotective of his younger half-sister, he respects Ferrous as much as everyone else but always tries to keep an eye on him to make sure he treats Kinthara right. The only ruler of the Green Dragonmen, and resides in the Green's city near the only known portal to the Emerald Dream on Rehkan, Ys'atar.

Kentren: The Red Dragonson, and Ferrous's older step-brother, and is also a Night Elf, Ferrous often looks to him when he needs advice, which is not very often. He is the Chief of Naval Operations, his wings being malformed from the time they sprouted from his back, he had no other choice than to be in the Navy. He resides in the Red Dragonmen city of Lif'acal, a city half on land, half over water on a dock, it is where the bulk of the navy is located, of course not all of them are Red's.

Serenity: The Red Dragondaughter, she is Tauren, she is also the ruler of the Red Dragonmen, she resides in Lif'acal aswell.

Miryalda: The Blue Dragondaughter, she is a Blood Elf, and is very self-absorbed and sex-crazed. Ferrous hopes this phase will pass, because she keeps flirting with him. She is younger than Ferrous, being born on Ken'aros when the Dragonmen were exiled from Azeroth, therefore giving her the hormones of a 17 year old girl. She resides in wherever the hell she wants (I think you know why.)

Onar: The Blue Dragonson, he is a Blood Elf as well, but puts others before himself, he isn't addicted to arcane magic because of his natural affinity to it as the son of Malygos. He does take great interest in studying the arcane, he hopes to help cure his race of its addiction. He resides in the magic city of Magino. He is the king of the Blue's in the Chromatic wings.

Ferrous: The Black Dragonson, he is the king of the Chromatic wings, he weilds Rinakord, translated into Blood of the Gods, an enchanted blade made by the gods themselves, they knew eventually a powerful creature would weild it to save the world, its enchantments include but are not limited to; only the chosen one being able to weild it others that attempt to weild it will undergo pain greater than anything the have ever fealt before, the ability to call upon the gods to do whatever may be needed, expanding sword BITCHES, slicing things from far away with energy bursts, the power to spread butter with just a thought! (Thats not rly used though.) Ferrous resides in the underground city of Nelth'arn. He has no known half-sisters or brothers (But there has been some rumors about the old king being related to him.

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