There and Back Again

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Early the next morning Ferrous to Obsiria back to Azeroth, Stormwind in specific. When they arrived at the keepthey asked for the king. The guards told him he would be out for a few hours.

"Damnit I can't waste any time here, Obsiria stay here until King Varian returns. Tell him that I need him to keep YOU out of trouble, while I lead the military back on Rehkan against a Burning Legion bigger than ever before, not even the war against them 10,000 years ago amounted to this war."

One of the guards commented, "Wait, your fighting the Burning Legion? Why not ask for our help?"

"We actually don't need any aid, while the demons march in the millions, we have only lost a few hundred, the demons are clearly more owerful than we anticipated."

"What do you mean? You've only lost a few hundred."

"This war has lead to the first death's of Dragonmen in 10 years, since I took over. And I will not ask for any help, we would be overstepping our boundaries, we just arrived back at Azeroth a few weeks ago."


"My decision is FINAL."

The Dragonking flew out of the keep and began to fly back to Rehkan, after he arrived he quickly noticed something wrong. There were NO ONE guarding the portal from the demons.

"Where the hell are the guards?"

He called out, "HORDAK! GEORGE! MARN!" being the names of the men that are always guarding the portal.

He waited a few minutes before thinking, "Where the hell are those guys?"

Then he heard something in the distance, it sounded like... blades clashing.

"Sounds like I should get over there FAST."

He arrived at the scene of 50 Dragonmen fighting an endless horde of demons. Hordak, George, and Marn at the front lines of the battle.

"Come on guys you didn't even BOTHER telling me there was a battle!?"

"Well my lord if we did that then the rest of us would miss out on all the fun!"

"I suppose your right!"

Ferrous swooped down and swiftly joined the fray, cutting to ribbons any demon unlucky enough to be caught within his sight.

"See THIS is what I'm talking about my king!"

But Hordak's words were quickly drowned out as Ferrous continued to slaughter thousands of demons with merely his claws, as he would only use Rinakord on the toughest of enemies.

But then as he was slaughtering the demons he felt a large, evil presence.


"Not quite fool."

And then a massive four-legged demon stepped into view.

"Oh its Mannoroth."

"Don't sound so disapointed mortal."

"I'd say the term 'mortal' is a litle stretchd there."

"Hah, prepare to meet your end."

And Mannoroth swung his fist straight at the powerful Dragonman, but when it made contact with something it was not the Great King, but rather the dirt. The king was already behind the large demon.


"Perhaps if you weren't so full of yourself you might have at least SEEN me move around you."


Ferrous just rolled his eyes and picked the demon up by the tail and began swinging him around, launching any demon within 20 feet miles away, before slamming Mannoroth to the ground.

"Feeling pretty weak aren't you? Being UTTERLY defenseless against an enemy powerful enough to wipe you off of this plane of reality with a mere swing of the hand. Now you know what it was like to be the creatures on the countless planets you've invaded. NOW DIE YOU PITIFUL BASTARD!"

As Ferrous began to cut off the behemoth's head he noticed something. The demon began to CRY.

"So you creatures aren't as soulless as I thought. Still won't save you bastards."

And he stopped cutting off the horrid creatures head and simply RIPPED it off.

"Well thats the end of that." He turned around to see the last of the felguard being chopped to pieces, and the final doomguard fall from the sky. "Well I'm glad you guys finished up the small guys."

"Well it was our pleasure great king."

"No the pleasure is mine, I haven't fought this many demons since, well ever. I suppose I should get back to Nelth'arn, I'll have the Earth bury these bastards so you won't have to deal with the stench. Oh but before I go, what are the casualties?"

"None, no one died or got critically injured."

"Thats what I like to hear."

And then the Dragonking flew off to his home.

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