First Contact

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It has been several weeks, the demons have entered Rehkan in force, and the dragonmen have been fighting valiantly, and searching long and far for the portal, but Rehkan was a large planet, it was 10 times the size of Azeroth, the gravity was strong but that only made the beings there stronger, including the dragonmen. But Rehkan was very different from Azeroth, it was mostly covered in land instead of water, among other things. No one could figure out where the portal was, whoever was maintaining it clearly knew who they Burning Legion was dealing with, they must have kept it hidden from even the Birds, and kept it so clean that not even the DIRT could tell the black dragonmen where it was, there was clearly powerful protective wards, for the blues and bronze's could not detect it, the people must not have slept or the green's would have heard their dreams of the portal and where it was. This did not please Ferrous or the Dragonsons and Dragondaughters.

"DAMNIT! How come we haven't even found a trace of the demons yet?!"

"Calm down my lord, perhaps Leo might have messed up with the intel, it wouldn't be the first time my half-brother screwed things up."


"Can you please not do this now, I'm still mad at the last asshole that acted this immature."

"Sorry my lord" they said in unison.

"So Kinthara, my love, have you and your half-brother, Stenx, learned anything from their dreams or by utilizing the Emerald Dream?"

"No, my love, nothing."

"Hmm. Dear brother, Kentren, have you and YOUR half-sister, Serenity, learned anything from the animals, and plants?"

"No even with our gifts as the children of the dragon queen we haven't found anything, and the navy has been scouting the seas, and have reported nothing so far."

"Shit. Miryalda, have you and your half-brother, Onar detected any magical distubances?"

"No, and its been pissing off Onar to no end."

"And judging from how sex has practically taken over your life i guess you haven't been trying."

"I'm not denying it."

"Well I haven't found anything, and nor has the Earth. Are we sure that Sargeras wasn't playing us?"

"We won't be sure until we come in contact with the demons, and hes smart he WILL send his strongest men after us."

Then all of a sudden a bronze dragonman burst in.

"My lords Forward base Chorin has been attacked!"

"By what!?"

"B-b-by the BURNING LEGION!"

"Well now we know he wasn't screwing with us. I would like a battle report."

"Well we won pretty strongly but..."

"But what?"

"One of our men died."

Everyone in the room gasped in startlement, and questions arose such as "Are you sure?" "Maybe he's just unconscious?". But in the end the messenger silenced all doubts, when he said that there were deep cuts all over his body. This came as a shock to EVERYONE, not a single Dragonman has died since Ferrous overthrew the tyrant king Osynon and united the dragonflights.

"Then we must bolster our defenses, how many demons attacked the forward base? I expect a pretty small army, its out in the middle of nowhere, we only had five stationed there."

"Not a small army, but rather MILLIONS!"

"Holy shit. Damn us for teaching the inhabitants of this planet so well in the art of magic! We must find the portal as soon as possible, if they have enough demons to send that much at a basecamp thats the size of a HUNTING camp."

"But how can we find it we've scoured every inch of dirt on the planet."

And then it struck him.

"Unless... unless the portal isn't ON the dirt but ABOVE it."


"No thats retarded. We rule the sky."

"Yes which is why we would NEVER expect someone to hide somehing so important in the sky."

"That... that actually makes sense Miryalda."

"Shut up I know it."

"Now if only you would spend some time using your massive amounts of arcane power and detection we might be able to find it."

"Fine I'll cancel my dates for the month."

"Alright now everyone keep your eyes to the sky for now, if we want to win this war we have to stop the enemy army at its source."

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