What the @#*! Are the Demons Up To?

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In a matter of minutes Ferrous had reached the Dark Portal and ventured through it to the Stair of Destiny.

"I should probably ask one of the lieutenants about recent demon activity."

"Lieutenants, I am King Ferrous, your king sent me to investigate recent demon activity that has disturbed him, so may I have a report on recent demon activity?"


And everyone bust out laughing, even the Horde.

"At least PRETEND to be mature please, or I might have to inform your king about how much of a pompous ass you are being."

"Alright whatever, well about the reports here you go."

The lieutenant handed Ferrous an envelope, and Ferrous quickly opened it with his sharp claws and read it.

"There's nothing on it?"

"Exactly, I have no report because there is NOTHING to report, demon activity has dwindled to nothingness, I am just as concerned as our king, all reports go through me before the king, and every other report was either blank or said nothing to report."

"Hmm this may be a problem, hold on let me call in a friend to help find out what the last orders to the demons were."

"How there are no trace of ANY demons, they just packed up and took everything with them."

"We are the breed of dragon and humanoid races, we have powers beyond your comprehension."

"Yeah right, just because your several feet taller than any night elf I've ever met, have strangly sharp teeth and claws, colored your skin black, and stuck fake wings to your back does NOT make you half dragon."

With one bitch-slapping motion Ferrous knocked the lieutenant back 10 yards.

"Can I please talk to someone that is REMOTLY mature next time I'm here!?"

Mumbles arose in the crowds and as Ferrous left he heard the lieutenant say, "By the light he IS half-dragon. If I'm alive he must be a wus."


"Well that jackass was almost no help, well i should probably contact Leo."

Ferrous set up the mental link.

"Hello? Leo? CAN YOU HERE ME!?"

"Damnit man you don't have to yell"

"Sorry about that, anyway I need you to come through the portal i set up, you should arrive by a massive mountain on a continent called Pandaria, called Kun-lai. From there head Northwest to the South Eastern part of Eastern Kingdoms, look for a massive portal like my Earthen one go through it and fly for about 3 miles slightly North but mostly West."

"Alright. Need me to do anything else?"

"Ya if you would, could you plz bitch-slap the human lieutenant and tell him that to be mature next time he talks to a king?"

"Another one didn't believe you were a king?"

"Or even half dragon."

"Wow, just WOW."

"Ya just get over here ASAP."

"Why you know as soon as possible is always now don't you?"

"It always is for you isn't it?"

"Of course it is."

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