A Small Distraction

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It's been another 4 days, and still no sign of the portal, several more battles have taken place, the legion has been sending stronger demons, but the Chromatic Wings has won every battle, but all that will be for naught if the portal isn't found. But recently strange attacks within the cities have been taking place, people have reported a strange black dragonwoman, while normally Leo deals with the detective work, he has been very busy searching the timeways for the portal, so Ferrous has taken up the detective work.

"Sir I'm gonna need you to calm down, give me some details."

"I'm sorry my leige, this whole experience has beenvery stressful, but I'll try to cam down. Ok I was attacked by a strange Black Dragonwoman, she was about 11' 2" and practically radiated power, I think the only reason she let me live was to put fear into the public. She had an evil voice, and kept taunting me, she thought i wouldn't give her enough of a fight."

"What do you mean by 'evil voice'?"

"It was hoarsy and deep, it kinda scared me."

"Well did she say anything else?"

"Ya actually, she-she said something about the charred flame waking at midnight."

"Hmmm, I'll talk to you again if we need anything else. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Of course my lord."

"The charred flame wakes at midnight? Maybe they meant the Burnt Fire tavern in Ys'atar. I fear they might be doing something to disturb the Emerald Dream. Waking at midnight must mean ending the Emerald Dream at midnight. I need to get there NOW."

With that thought Ferrous took off to the South towards Ys'atar. When he arrived it was almost midnight. He promptly entered the Burnt Flame, asking about the Dragonwoman.

The bartender mearly answered, "I see a lot of strange folks here, maybe a few gold pieces could help my memory."

"I don't have time for this crap someone might be destroying the Emerald Dream and all you care about is MAKING MONEY!"

"Wait the Emerald Dream? Alright I've seen 3 Black Dragonwomen today. Which one are you looking for?"

"One thats about 2 feet shorter than me, deep hoarsy voice, and radiating power."

"Her? I think she rented room 10, upstairs, brought a big bag of I don't even know what."

"Thank you."

Ferrous tossed 20 gold coins at the bar and ran upstairs, when room 10 was locked he broke down the door, it was a minute from 12.


"Hehehe, the king himself graces me with his presence."

"Who are you?! Why are you doing this?"

"I'm doing this to get your attention, and I'll answer any other questions you have if you aren't to stuid to figure out this. 35 West, 60 North."


But before she could answer she flew out the window and left the city behind. Ferrous surveyed the room, it was filled with ritual things, and explosives, none of it armed. He checked the time.

"Thank god its 12:01 I've stopped whatever her plan is. But what does she mean by 35 West and 60 North? Maybe I should ask Kentren."

6:00 the next morning Ferrous went to his step-brother, asking about the strange numbers and directions.

"Why thats nae riddle, those are coordinates, hmm strange though, they're on land. I would expect you would give me something about the sea."

"Sorry, whatever, anyways, can you take me there?"

"Umm bro?"

Kentren gestured to his malformed wings.

"Right, if I carry you can you point me in the right direction?"

"I'll just ride ma pegasus."


After Kentren mounted his pegasus, they went off to where the coordinates pointed.

"Alright here we are, I have ta get back to tha men, we've a training session today."

"Alright bro."

So Kentren rode his pegasus off towards Lif'acal.

"God that looks pretty damn gay. Anyways I wish that bitch would have given me a damn time."

And as if on queue she came in from the distance.

"Ah hear you finally are."

"I never gave a time an you weren't waiting long anyways."

"Whatever, don't you owe me answers?"

"I suppose your right... BROTHER!"

"Oh god I don't like where this shits going."

"Wow you just took the fun out of shocking reveals."

"Look your clearly a person worth my attention so just give me my damn answers."

"Fine but I'm not going to like it."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Alright fine, my name is Vilion. Anyways, remember the old king? You know king Tyrannuk, the one you slew 10 years ago? Well he was your brother, I'm actually very happy you killed him he was not worthy to carry on Deathwing's legacy!"

"Ok I see now, your not my sister and he wasn't my brother, you were the children of Deathwing, I am the son of Neltharion."

"Oh I see you really are that naive. Well if your looking for your REAL sister than, by your standards, there is a cave at the old Ice Dragon temple, you figure out the rest."

"Why thank you, but honestly I was expecting a fight, the witness I questioned claimed that yo-"

She flew up an punched him in the face.

"Dumb move Vilion."

He quickly extended his claws and slashed her stomach causing five deep wounds.


She instinctivly clawed at his throat, but missed and got him in the shoulder instead. But the would-be bloody wound actually only caused 3 light scratches, and breaking 4 of her claws.

"OW! GOD!"

"I told you, dumb move."

He rose his claws, and as they descended Vilion dissappeared.

"Shit, crafty bitch." He sighed, "Well I have more important things to do, I'd better check on that cave by the old Ice Dragon Temple."

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