4. The Proposal

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Lovely banner by @RollingCandy at the side. :)

☆★  CHAPTER 4  ||  Nikita  ☆★ 

Liam looked so different from before. It has only been two years and he has changed so much in terms of dressing. I hope he is still my same old Liam though. I mean, look at his neat brown quiff. Wow! The last I checked, his hair was freaking messy as though he just came out from a cat fight. Damn, that cream coloured suit made his chocolate eyes stand out. Wait, cream coloured suit? Liam? In a suit? Somebody pinch me.

I think i'm falling in love with my best friend. Again.

Liam suddenly brought his hand to my chin and lifted it up to shut my wide opened mouth. Oh my gosh, I didn't realised my jaw dropped the minute I saw him. How embarassing! I could tell my face was a light shade of pink now.

"Surprise, surprise!" Why does his voice sounds sexier? No, i'm not complaining.

I can't handle his sexiness. I don't know what to think or what to say. This is to sudden! Nikita, holy coconuts! Liam is here after two years being all sexy infront of your door. What are you going to do?! 

According to my pea brain, panick was the answer.

I don't know why but I slammed the door right in his face.


I ran to the kitchen, put down the boxes and change and ran right out of the kitchen again to the front door.

I adjusted my light blue dress. I felt self concious and I was surprised with myself! Sure, I liked Liam a long time back but I never felt self concious in front of him before.

Maybe this wasn't some immature crush. Maybe, i'm in lo-

No Nikita. Shut up and open the door. Said, my brain.

I opened the door, ready to see a pair of chocolate eyes looking at me. To my surprise, no one was there. Liam wasn't there. I stood there feeling like a complete idiot. Was he just my imagination? Maybe it was.

But it can't be. He touched me.

Dissapointment and anger took over my body. With that, I slammed the door hard.

Just then, I felt an arm snake around my waist. That touch tickled me a little. Someone grabbed my waist from behind, lifted me up and started spinning me around. Only one person would dare to do that. I giggled at my thoughts and also at how ticklish i'm feeling now. 

"Liam-stop-its-tickling-OH-MY-LIAMMM-" I said in between laughs.

"We're going round and round, we're never gonna stop." He sang. He can seriously sing at this point of time. I hate him and love him so much for this surprise. Oh gosh, I can't stop laughing it really tickles!

"YOU-JUST-DID-NOT-QUOTE-SELENA-GO-GO-GOMEZ-" I said in between laughs again. Finally he stopped spinning me around and put me down. He lifted his hands of my waist and stared at me for a while. Exploring almost every inch of my face. I swear there was a moment where his eyes stopped at my lips and then went back to my eyes. Nah, never in a million years will Liam feel the same way as I feel about him.

"Of course I did not quote Selena Go Go Go Mez. I quoted Selena Gomez, silly." What an idiot he is. I punched him in the chest playfully and he responded playfully by putting his hand over his heart and going "Oh ouchh." Trust me, he looked so sweet and sexy every time he does that. Yup, still the same old Liam!

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