5. Yes? No? Maybe?

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☆★  CHAPTER 5  ||  Nikita  ☆★

My hopes. My love. My life just collapsed. All because of one question,

"Will you marry me?" Jai repeated the second time.

Everything made sense. The unexpected traditional food, the indian sweets because this is suppose to be the happy occasion? I. Think. Not.

And this dress? Oh my gosh.. I've accepted their gift and now, I have to accept him.

The first time he said it, I was so close to kicking his balls for such a pathetic joke. But then, I realised the situation is such that, this isn't a joke. It is really happening. I'm not sure if to laugh because it is really funny and sweet how our parents are trying to make us become one when we never managed to do so since childhood, or cry because if I say yes, I'll be spending the rest of my life with this idiot and there goes my chances with being with Liam.

Why in the right mind will Jai Acosta propose to me when there are other hot girls throwing themselves all over him? He is a player and he will never be husband material. Excuse me, but he will never be my husband.

I looked around and spotted hopeful looks on our parents faces. I dare not look at Liam's face. What would he be thinking? I really do not understand.

I love Liam.

Not Jai.

I would marry Liam.

Not Jai.

But what scares me most if Liam doesn't feel the same way about me. We have been friends for years and I don't want to ruin it by telling him I like him. I try to look at Liam right opposite me but I'm afraid to read his expression. He might have the yay-my-bestie-is-going-to-be-part-of-my-family look or what-the-fudge-no-I-won't-let-this-happen look.

I prefer the second option because really, I am not accepting this relationship. I open my mouth to say something but then I closed it and thought what to say once more, If I say yes, I'll be ruining my life. If I say no, I'll be ruining the hopes of our parents. Damn, emotional blackmail.

"Emm.. Ha, wow. Erm." I stammered looking at Jai's parents and their lips curved downwards. My heart started racing. What do I say? Till, now I haven't let my eyes meet Liam's because it would make the whole situation worse for me. Just then I realised Jai's hands and mine were still moulded together. I forcefully, let our hands seperate.

"I think it's best if they go on dates first." said a small voice. The voice belonged to Liam.

I couldn't believe my ears. What is wrong with everybody? Why is this happening? What is wrong with Liam? Did he just say that he wanted his best friend to date his brother? He knows I hate Jai then why Liam? Why are you supporting this situation? I wanted to scream but I knew no one would listen.

I thought Liam likes me.

My heart sank after hearing Liam's words. My hopes of loving him are now gone. He indirectly made it clear that he has no problem with this proposal. After all, he just suggested that I should date his brother.

"I agree." says Mrs. Acosta. The room was so silent that we could here a pin drop.

"Exactly. I'm sure Nikita would want to go out with Jai for a couple of times so that they could get to know each other." said my mother. That just did not make any sense. I know Jai since I was a kid and hell no. I am not going out with this jerk.

I forced a smile and a small nod towards my mother. I decided not to say anything at the moment because I am really hot on the collar.

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