7. Hot Shot Magazine

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☆★  CHAPTER 7  ||  Nikita  ☆★

I woke up to the sound of my irritating alarm. How I wished it didn't rang. Now, my mind was awake and fully concious on what's happening. On the other hand, my eyes refused to open and decided to stay shut. 

I tried to convince myself that it was a new day and all of the events that happened yesterday was just a dream. Sadly, I epicly failed to do so.

Let's have a flashback on how eventful yesterday was, shall we? Well first, I met Jai and had a small fight with him at Starbucks, Stella telling me I that my new assignment was to interview my childhood enemy (but now it sounds more like my future husband, how about no?). My mother, being a drama queen, forcing me to come home and roll flat breads, Liam sudden welcome-back-to-England trip, and of course, Jai proposing to me.

How can one's 24 hours be that eventful? I should deserve an award, seriously.

My eyes shut tighter, I dug my nails into my pillow when all these thoughts emotionally blackmailed me. I realised that I had to push my body out the bed and get ready to go to the 'Hot Shot' magazine office. Oh dear, no. I don't want to go any where. All I want to do is lock myself in this room and stay in bed forever.

I knew that I was totally talking nonsense because let's face it, life keeps going and if you don't move with it, you're the one going to be behind time.

My eyes finally decided to listen to my mind and opened. I found my hand tightly gripped onto the Lord Ganesha statue I had slept with last night. Wow, so technically I had fallen asleep with it. I pushed my upper body off the bed and positioned my self in a sitting position. I put the little shimmering gold Lord Ganesha on my bed side table.

I looked at the clock hanging on my room wall and sighed, it was already fifteen minutes passed nine and I had to be in the office by ten o'clock. If i'm late again, my boss is going to kill me.

I got out of bed, grabbed my towel and clothes and headed straight into the shower. As soon as I turned on the shower. the warm water gushed down and flowed down my bare skin I felt a little more relax as though the stress and emotions flowed down with the water as well.

As I scrubbed every inch of my body, every part of my body felt better and stress free. Hmm, warm showers do work when it comes to handling stress.

After spending some time in the shower, I wrapped my velvet red towel around my body. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror gazing at my own reflection from my wet messy hair to my puffy eyes. I looked at myself and thought about what I should do next. How do I answer Jai, Liam and their parents? Most importantly, what am I going to tell to my mother? The thought of my mother's tears made my puffy eyes slight red again. I snapped out of it when I realised that I seriously need to go and get ready for work. Before leaving the bathroom, I took one last glance at my reflection in the mirror.

"Nikita, this time, you are really screwed." I told my reflection and left the bathroom.

I blowed dried my hair so it was back to it's natural curls again, put on a black floral top, black skirt and quickly dashed downstairs.

As I reached downstairs, the whole house was so silent that the only sound I could hear was me inhaling an exhaling. That's strange. Surprisingly, mother isn't up yet. She's always the earliest to wake up at home because she likes preparing breakfast for me and my dad. But now, it's just my breakfast that she normally prepares. The classic ham and cheese sandwhich with my morning glass of low fat milk is my excellent breakfast choice.

Oh well, I guess mother must be tired physically and mentally from what happened yesterday. Let her get more sleep, I don't mind. Basically, yesterday really had an impact on all of us. I did realise Liam's strange behaviour at the end of yesterday's tea. What i'm afraid is that this proposal might affect my relationship with Liam. I don't even know or want to know on what is going to happen next. If only there was a escape plan.

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