9. Roses Are Red, This Isn't A Date!

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☆★  CHAPTER 9  ||  Nikita  ☆★

"Aren't I romantic?" I felt crushed. A lot of nonsensical things have been happening to me lately. I did not need more bullshit in my life, seriously.

"Oh just piss off will you? I wasted my time for nothing!" I was furious and I could feel my ears heating up and slowly the heat spread to the rest of my face. For once I actually thought of something romantic happening in my life but I was wrong. I was so mad that I decided to leave the cafe instantly when a hand stopped me, grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

I swear, I am so close to kicking his balls.

He grabbed my arm even tighter and whispered, "Don't you dare create a scene Nikita. I have a reputation. Unlike you." He has the most suckish reputation ever and it would make no difference if I screw it up a little more for him. Instead, I decided not to create a drama because this isn't our little backyard where we used to fight with each other as kids, we are in public.

His face muscles were tensed, eyebrows furrowed. He licked his lips several times but never once did his emerald eyes break eye contact with me. Something is making Jai nervous or maybe stressed.

"Look, can we please talk?" I looked at him with confusion. He sounded sincere that he really wanted to talk to me. Only problem is that I don't know if he is putting on a mask or being real. I don't feel like talking to him but I know that the both of us cannot run away from what happened last evening and it is better to face the fact as soon as possible

I rolled my eyes and gave him a small nod. I followed him to an unoccupied table for two and we settled there.

Once the waiter took our orders, I started the conversation immediately because the faster this gets done the happier I'll be.

"So, why the act? Roses and the poem? You could have just called me." I said, bitch mode on.

"Listen up Icky, lets be honest and straight forward to each other." He paused and licked his lips. I knew it, he is nervous and probably feeling awkward on what happenened yesterday. "I had to put on an act because if you haven't notice, the news on us getting married soon is everywhere. Besides, you wouldn't have come to meet me.." And I saw pain in his eyes, for the very first time. I saw emotions in Jai Acosta. "..Because you hate me."

Was Jai upset that I hated him? Impossible. He knows how much I hated him since we were children. If my hatred for him did not bother him years ago, why is it bothering him now? Maybe, i'm just overthinking. Besides, he hates me too. So, we are equal.

At the moment, I did not know where to start, what to say. All I knew is that I do not want to ruin my life by marrying Jai Acosta. It is my rights and my decision to choose who I want to marry. I want someone who loves me for who I am (as cliche as it sounds but hey, what else does anyone else want?). And I can obviously tell, Jai Acosta is not the man I would even think about marrying. 

Reasons why Nikita Malhotra will never marry Jai Acosta, A: Jai is most egoistic man I have ever met. B: He uses his money and status to 'get' girls (those girls are stupid to fall head over heels for his money and dashing looks) and has no respect for women. C: I'm in love with his brother for heaven sake! Well, Liam and Jai are not biologically related but... that's not the point!

"Listen.." I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. "I'm tired of raising my voice at you. Don't get me wrong, I do hate you. We both know that we hate each other. All I want to know is that, why did you propose to me?" It is not that I didn't know about my financial problems. It is such a shame that I have to accept help from someone I hate. I hate it how I helpless I was in this situation. I could have been selfish, and told Jai that to hell with your marriage proposal. But I did not take such action just yet, I had to know how will Jai benefit by marrying me? What can I do for him? 

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