Roommates *Part I*

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Ladywood123xx Thanks for the suggestion! (The rest of your request will appear in the following part(s).)

(Y/n)'s POV
"GOD DAMN IT JACK!" I scream loud enough for him to hear through his stupid gaming headphones. Jack spins his head towards me, casually slipping off his headset like he doesn't know I'm about to kill him.

"What did I do now?" he angrily grumbles.

"You fucking forgot to tell me we were out of milk. I was JUST at the store!"

He turns his attention back to the game he was playing. "Not my problem."

"Fucking arse," I mumble under my breath. Even though I hadn't been in Ireland for more than a year, some of Jack's odd swears had already rubbed off on me.

In moments like this one, I really question why I decided to study abroad and why I chose this loud leprechaun to be my roommate. Sadly, we couldn't even get away from our arguing in our college classes, because we took nearly all the same courses at the exact same times.

I grab my car keys off the counter and head back outside into the rain again.

"So much for a sunny day," I complain, remembering the weatherman's false statement from this morning. Now that I think about it, had his predictions ever been correct? I shrug it off and start up the old vehicle.

Taking a few forceful turns of the key to start the engine(as usual), I was soon on my way.

About 1 and a half tiring hours later, I arrived back at our house. Even though money could be tight sometimes, the rent on the place was really cheap, with an added bonus- no neighbors for miles in every direction. It made dragging this nearly broken down hunk of metal to the closest town every other week a painfully long experience. But, we never had to worry about any complaints of Jack and I's constant yelling.

Slowly I pull myself up our front steps for [hopefully] the last time today. Carrying the gallon of milk inside, I quietly close the front door, not wanting to waste my energy on showing off my anger. Since I don't hear Jack's usual complaint of 'what took you so long', I decide to sneak around the house silently until I find him, then scare the shit out of that Irish bastard.

As quietly as I can manage, I place the milk in the fridge and begin to slink down the main hall leading to Jack's bedroom. I see a flickering light escaping through his partly opened door. As I draw nearer, my ears pick up heavy breathing, as if someone was panting.

Peering through the small amount of space Jack had left his door open, the first thing I see is his computer screen. On it, there is a woman and a man, doing some very questionable things to each other involving a shock collar. My eyes slowly drift over to Jack slouched forward in his swirly desk chair, his breathing very audible, and his hand moving vigorously in his lap.

Catching a glimpse of this scene, I suddenly remember my old feelings towards him- thoughts of caressing those beautiful locks and hugging that muscular torso cause me an excitement I hadn't felt since I had first seen Jack. That estrange feeling taking over, I silently waltz into the room, causing Jack to jump as I place one hand on his upper chest and the other over his own hand that was already on the prize I so desired and deserved.

We do fight a lot, I'll admit, but I have never been able to satisfy my secret longing for him. It has been building up inside me for so long, and now was its time to shine.

Fumbling with his mouse, desperately trying to close his browser, Jack looks up at me with burning cheeks and whispers,"(Y/n)! Wha-what are ye do-oing?" His words came out in a stuttering manner as I began stroking my hand gently up and down the length of him. "Hng... fuuck; (Y/n)..." Jack breathes, barely able to contain himself.

His embarrassment is obvious, but he doesn't object as I take over.

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