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Killing You

"You know that shit is killing you," Lilly remarked while she scoffed, annoyed at her best friend as he slowly, but surely, shortened his life span.

"I'm gonna die anyway, why not sooner?" Jacob retorted nonchalantly, taking another drag of his cigarette and blowing his exhale of smoke into Lilly's face.

"Fuck off would you?" she spoke irritably, shoving him roughly as they leant against the brick wall of her mansion of a house in the backyard. He laughed at her feeble attempts to push both him and the smoke away.

"So my dear Lilly, would you miss me?" he said, testing her patience with a smug smirk.

"If you not careful I will take your life before the cigarettes do," she said shoving him again while Jacob chuckled and she tried not to smile.

"We both know you not strong enough to do that Lils, both emotionally and physically," he said with another chuckle and inhale of the smouldering cigarette.

"Yeah, yeah but seriously J, can you not smoke here? I don't need it to travel into the house; my parents don't really like you as it is."

Jacob sighed and put out the cigarette against the brick wall, ending its smoulder, and then keeping it in his fingers to get rid of later.

He knew Lilly's parents didn't like him, it was no secret. He wasn't even sure how he and Lilly remained friends sometimes. Lilly was the child of highly educated, wealthy parents. Not to mention that they lived in the best part of town. Lilly had always been a little more laid back than her parents however; just enough to not get her into trouble with them. Lilly got good grades and was a part of just about every club in school you can name, she was the ultimate overachiever, no doubt about it.

Jacob however was the paradox of Lilly. She was the only person he actually spoke to and was friends with, besides his sister, Cassidy, of course. They were close and had a tight bond no one could actually understand.

Jacob hadn't always been who he was now; he had changed since he started high school, mixing with the wrong group of people after his family life spiralled down and ultimately his entire life hit rock bottom.

Jacob and Lilly had been friends before high school as well; they weren't nearly as close then as they were now though. They had their own group of friends and they were happy. But that was until Jacob's world turned upside down. His parent's relationship fell apart, and soon his father couldn't take it anymore and just left to start a new life of his own, Jacob couldn't care any less about where he was or what he was doing.

Jacob felt terrible for his mother and his sister. Cassidy never really understood much of it, she was too young, and was able to just erase her father out her life entirely. Jacob however took it another way; he started to become someone else, cutting off those he cared about most, thinking he might as well break bonds before the other person could just like his dad had done.

He had soon found himself within another social circle; they introduced him to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. Jacob never dared to do drugs however, purely on knowing he wouldn't be able to afford it; however cigarettes and alcohol he tried and was immediately hooked, funnily enough his mother still hadn't figured out to that day he was smoking.

Shows how much she cared anyway.

Soon the group of 'friends' he and Lilly were in told him to just go away after finding out who and what he was dealing with, they simply didn't want to have to deal with it and just did not care. Jacob left but Lilly found herself telling them off for being so inconsiderate. She stuck with Jacob; she had never let him down since, not even once and vice versa.

So here they were now in their final year of high school, attached by the hip and no matter how much Jacob would get out of hand sometimes, Lilly promised both him and herself, that she wasn't going anywhere.

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