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Taking care of you

It has been two months since my boss asked me to be the manager of his restaurant. So far, I have learnt plenty and as the days go on I become more confident in myself about the whole ordeal. To make it even better, I am enjoying myself (surprisingly) since being a restaurant manager has never been something I saw myself doing. I am still so grateful that I have gotten this opportunity since I now have free time which has allowed me to bond a lot more with Troye, although, I feel like I am getting nowhere.

Troye tends to distant himself a lot these days. I am not sure if it is his new job being a huge time comsumer or if it is something else but he never wants to go anywhere.

Troye only ever comes to mine or Lilly’s place, never his, if we actually convince him to go out that is. Every time I mention going to his place he becomes restless, always has an excuse and then we always end up at my apartment or Lilly's.

Another thing, the thing that bothers me most, is that I feel like Troye is being secretive... About what? I could not tell you. It just feels like there is some sort of barrier making it impossible for me to get to know the Troye he has become.

Rather melodramatic, I know, Lilly says it is a part of my brand.

This evening, however, is different since Lilly and I have managed to convince Troye that we are going out tonight to a local club.

As we speak, I am in my bedroom, freshly out the shower with a towel around my waist, staring into the mirror, just thinking.

Eventually, I pull myself out of my reverie and I begin to dry my hair. I then put on a graphic tee with a tight pair of black skinny jeans. Before leaving I grab my wallet and put on a pair of sneakers and I shrug on a jacket just in case it gets too cold.

Moments later, I am pulling up to the club. Once there, I pay the cab driver and cross the street to head into the entrance of the club. Once inside, I am instantly hit with the blaring music and the scent of cigarette smoke.

It seems I am the first one there until I see Lilly hopping up and down at the back of the room (looking like an idiot) trying to get my attention. I smile widely to her and walk over to the booth in what most be the most quiet corner of the room.

“Hey!” I say excitedly as I take a seat, almost not seeing Troye who is sat across from Lilly on his phone.

“Hey, Jake,” Lilly says. Then Jacob rests his head on the table and looks at Troye, trying to get his attention by just staring at him intensely. Troye seems to finally sense his presence and looks to Jacob once he has his attention.

“Hey I didn’t see you there,” he says very distractedly.

“Oh yeah that’s understandable. I’m only six feet tall, common mistake,” Jacob teases, Troye chuckles and so does Lilly.

“Sorry, I just got an email from my boss, he’s such an asshole, he expects a whole bunch of editing to be done by Monday morning. I have no idea how I’m going to get it done.”

“Well for tonight you don’t have to worry about it, yeah?” Jacob questions, hoping Troye is not going to get up and leave or something.

“I guess,” he says with a hesitant smile.

Later on, Troye and Jacob are dancing to some shitty overplayed music, not even all that drunk (yet), Lilly having already wondered off, dancing with some guy, while Jacob and Troye remain together.

“Maybe you should look for someone to dance with,” Jacob tells Troye as he scopes the room, noticing several good looking men.

“Why? You’re just fine to dance with.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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