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Suspecting you

"Okay can we quit the sappy shit please?" Jacob said after Troye's compliment.

"J, you see it as sappy shit but I see it as a sweet moment that we could possibly hold within our hearts and minds for a very long time, something that will become a sweet memory," Jacob let out a breathy laugh.

"Thanks for the definition of sappy Troye," Jacob said as he took another inhale of his cigarette.

"Oh shut up would you Bixenman. Seriously, you definitely are one of the best people I have met in a while I mean it," Troye said gently shoving Jacob's shoulder.

"Whatever," Jacob said rolling his eyes but smiling, Troye scoffing playfully.

"Come on, we better get back," Jacob said, getting up and getting rid of his cigarette and then walking back without another word spoken.

Moments later the pair walked back into the house, surprised to see how much more had been done since they left.

"Oh just in time boys," Laurelle said leading them to the dining room. "This is the only room we have completely cleaned up and I got Sage to go out and get us some lunch, take seats boys and I will go call the rest," she said with her usual bright smile and the leaving the room to get the rest of the family to eat. The pair took their seats, next to each other, and soon the rest of the Mellets joined.

They soon all had food on their plates and began to eat, Shaun breaking the silence with something that caused both Troye and Jacob to become tense in their seats.

"Does anyone else smell cigarettes?" he said naively. Troye immediately trying to come up with an excuse, if his parents were to find out that Jacob smoked they would give Troye a good lecture about choosing his friends and how peer pressure will cause him to lose his good reputation etcetra.

"Uh, maybe it's just the house Dad; I mean Grandad smoked all the time."

"Yes Troye, but he also would only ever do it outside, you know that," Troye did know that. While his grandmother was still around she would always yell at her husband that if he wanted to smoke he was only to do it outside to not stink out her house, he listened to her and even carried on the routine after she passed away.

"You must be imagining things dad," Troye said with a nervous laugh, Jacob sitting silent but now more tense.

"No, I also smell it dad," Tyde commented, soon the rest of the family chimed in with 'I can too' however the two boys still trying to act oblivious.

"Strange, you don't smell it Jacob?" Shaun said directly to him, Jacob froze for a while Troye tried to come up with another topic of conversation.

Jacob then realised that lying had never been something he did. It was a value he held close to his heart unless he really had to. He also knew that if Troye was to help him lie too he would only get into trouble and Jacob would only end up making Shaun and Laurelle angrier when they would inevitably find out.

"I apologize, I um... I smoke and just had one while we were outside," Jacob said shamefully, ducking his head.

"Oh...okay," Shaun said in a bit of shock. Laurelle and the rest of the children sat silent, awkwardness building quickly. Troye rolled his eyes, this was really not the end of the world.

The one thing he didn't admire about his family was the fact that they always worried too much over every little thing. Troye felt his irritation grow as he felt them all judge his friend; Jacob now sat ashamed which Troye believed he didn't have to be. Troye was about to speak up but Jacob beat him to it.

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