Stuck On An Island

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"Robbie kay!" You scream as you chase him around the house. "Your dead meat!"

He dashes around the house jumping over furniture and pushing down objects in your path hoping to slow you down.

"What is going on in here?!" Robbie's mom screams walking into the house with your mom. Robbie freezes and you don't slow down fast enough and slam into him. Both of you fall to the ground.

"Bitch" he sneers at you.

"Fuck you asshole!" You snip back.

"Kids!" Your mom screams. "Up now!"

You and Robbie both glare at eachother and get off the ground.

"Okay" Robbie's mom say calmly "what happened here"

"This lunatic started chasing me around the house!" Robbie exclaims gesturing towards you.

"he's forgetting the part where he put hot sauce in my ice coffee. That's why I started I chased him" you say a matter-of-factly.

"This rivalry between you needs to end" your mother says sternly. "We come to this beach house every year together since you two where babies. And ever since you two could talk you have been at eachother. I am sick of it. We both are!"

"Yes we are," Robbie's mom agrees "these vacations are suppose to be funn and you to are going to have fun. Together. Got it?"

"Yes mom" Robbie says.

Your mom stares you down.

"Yeah mom I will try" you say.

"Good!" They say. "Now both of you go get something's together, we are all going on a boat ride together."

You both groan and walk into your rooms to pack your bags.

You and Robbie have never gotten along. You vividly remember him pulling your hair over and over again as toddlers. When you were five he bite you leaving a faint scar on your arm, so you punched him busting his lip.

Ever since then you and Robbie have hates eachother. You were constantly name calling, pranking, and fighting eachother.

Having to be with him for more then 10 minutes repulsed you. He's so irritating and immature.

You slam your bedroom door shut and go outside to the dock in your backyard where the boat that yours and Robbie's family owns.

You get on and sit down Crossing your arms with a scowl on your face. Robbie gets on and sits across from you.

"Your face is ugly enough don't add to it with that facial expression" he says with a smirk.

"You jerk!" You say feeling your anger rising clenching your fist.

"Ahem" you hear and turn to see you mom and Mrs Kay standing there looking at the two of you.

"Sorry" you both mutter angerly and turn away from eachother.

Your moms share a look and then start the boat.

You have been traveling for around an hour when you come across one of the little islands that are scattered around. Your mom is steering the boat in the direction of the island.

"We are going to the island?" You ask slightly confused.

"Uh huh" you mom says and she looks at Robbie's mom and they both smile. Something is definitely going on.

They stop the boat and you all jump off with your bags in to the war which is about two feet deep. You walk over to the shore.

"Why do you guys have so much stuff?" Robbie's ask as your moms plop their large bags on the sand.

"Oh it's not our stuff" his mom says.

"It's yours and (y/n)'s stuff" she says with a grin. "You two are going to be camping here together tonight to work out your differences."

"WHAT?!" You both exclaim.

"You can't leave me here with this brat!" Robbie yells.

"There is no way in hell mom! He will literally kill me!" You say desperately.

"Your not getting out this" mrs kay says.

"So suck it up and learn to get along" your mom says. The moms look at eachother nod and run back into the water getting on the boat as driving away.

That's when you scream. You scream so loud birds fly out of a nearby tree and flee.

Robbie clamps a hand over your mouth cutting off the sounds.

"Shut the bloody hell up" he says pissed. You bite down on his hand, hard.

"Damn it" he says pulling his hand away.

"Don't touch me," you say "and don't talk to me!" You storm up the beach and sit on a log

."Gladly," you hear Robbie say and he walks into the forest going god knows where.

After about an hour Robbie still hasn't come back and you start to worry. What if there are wild animals! What if they got to Robbie!

You stand up and pick up a large stick that was lying on the ground. Maybe I there's an animal I can bash it with this you think to yourself.

You start to cautiously walk through the forest.

"Robbie?" You call shakily. "Robbie where are you?"

You keep walking and you hear the found of splashing in the distance. You walk closer to the sound and see there is a pond.

Next to the water is a pair of shoes. Robbie's shoes. You scan the water but see him no where in sight.

"Robbie?" You call out a bit frightened.

"Worried about me love?" You feel someone breathing down your neck. You automatically react by turning around and hitting the person with your stick.

"What the fuck!" Robbie yells.

"Don't scare me like that!" You say breathing heavily from the adrenaline.

"Well I won't now that I know if I do your gonna beat me with a bloody, god damn stick like a madman" he says angerly.

"Ugh" you yell stomping off back towards the beach. Robbie follows you. You both sit down in the sand scowling.

"I'm sorry" you say still clearly pissed.

"Your what" Robbie chokes staring at you.

"Don't make me say it again" you sneer.

"Okay, okay," he says holding up his hands up defensively.

You sigh looking at the water.

"This blows" you say.

"Yeah." Robbie agrees. "It's stupid of them to think this will work, like how is making us sit hear with nothing to do going to help? It's just gonna make us more pissed off!" He exclaims. You laugh.

"Exactly! Like what idiots." You say.

"My mom thinks she can solve problems by talking it out. But alls that ever does is anger everyone more. She needs to not get involved." Robbie says

"Ugh my moms the same way. Like no we won't just say sorry and hug it out" you say earning a chuckle from Robbie

"I guess that's why our moms are friends" he says.

"And why were not" you say nudging him with your elbow.

He nudges you back but harder. So you push him into the sand. He grabs your arm and pulls you down to climbing ontop of you so you can't move.

"Get off me fatass"you laugh

"Nah you make a good cushion" he replies. You punch his side causing him to wince in pain and groan.

"You bitch" he groans rolling off you.

"Why thank you" you reply with a smirk standing up and brushing yourself off and walking back over the where all the bags where. Might as well set up camp since obviously you are going to be here for a while.

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