Chapter 3

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You stomp through the forest picking up wood in frustration. Why dost Robbie even offer to help you! You think to yourself. God he’s so inconsiderate.

Suddenly you hear a snap of a twig behind you. And you turn but you don’t see anyone.

"I swear to god Robbie" you say "your not funny. You can come out now" no one comes out and you start to feel nervous.

Another twig snaps and you turn again.

"Robbie?" You say in a frightened toned. "Robbie if that’s you seriously stop." The bushes next to you tussle and you jump back. Then suddenly a huge animal runs out of them and you scream bloody murder as it launches itself onto you.

When you hit the ground you finally register what type of animal it is, it’s a dog.

You stare at it wondering if it’s going to bite you. It cocks it’s head to the side and then leans down and licks your face.

You release a sigh of relief and laugh. You push the dog off of you and stand up with a giggle. You brush the dirt off of you and pet the dog gently.

Then you hear a yelling noise in te distance. You can’t tell what it’s saying but it sounds like Robbie but as the noise gets louder you hear him.

"(Y/n)!" He yells "(y/n) where are you!?" (Y/n)!"

Finally he crashes through the bushes and stumbles into your view.

"Oh thank god!" He says breathing loudly and collapses to the ground breathing heavily. "I thought you got bloody attack or some thing!" He exclaims looking at you

" I did" you say simply. "This guy did" you say patting you new friend. Robbie looks at the dog and jumps just realizing it was there.

"You were afraid of a little black lab?!" He sputters not understanding.

"Well I didn’t realize it was only a lab when it jumped out at me" you say embarrassed.

"Wow" he says laughing "so I ran through half of this bloody forest because you got scare by a little puppy!" He says mockingly

"He’s not a puppy he’s obviously full grown! And I didn’t ask you to run here!" You say with a scowl.

"Well I heard a scream of course I was gonna come find you!" He says throwing his hands up.

"Awww" you say mockingly poking his chest "you were worried about me" his face goes blank.

"What?" He chokes out " no I wasn’t!" He exclaims.

"Yes you were" you tease poking him again. You were worried about me!"

"No I wasn’t!" He says pushing your hand away from me. "This is ridiculous. Let’s go back to camp" he huffs taking some of the wood off the ground and walking away.

"Your just avoiding the fact that you were worried about me" you sing.

"No I’m not. Can it witch" he calls over his shoulder as he keeps walking.

You scramble to pick up the rest of the wood and jog to catch up. Your new dog friend jog behinds you and you giggle.

"Looks like i made a new friend" you say to Robbie as the dog loyally follows you.

"Great just what I need" he says rolling his eyes "another bitch to deal with"

Ignoring his jest you say “I think I will name her Lacey.”

"That’s a stupid name" Robbie laughs.

"Well you know what ur a stupid name!" You retort back quickly and then realize that you worded that wrong.

"That makes no sense" Robbie says smugly.

"Well you make no sense!" You say annoyed and storm ahead of him and Lacey follows in suit. You ext the forest first dumping your wood into the stand and plopping down next to it with your arms crossed. Lacey lays down and rest her head in your lap and you pet her head gently.

Robbie then emerges from the forest and dumps his wood onto yours.

"Where is the fire starter kit?" He ask looking around. "The suns setting and we should light it while we still can see well" You just sit there eyes narrowed at him in annoyance not saying a word.

"Oh I see how it is" he says scowling "silent treatment. Okay have with it." He says rummaging through the stuff and pulling out the fire kit with a smirk of triumph.

He sits down next to you and opens it up. He takes out one of those fire blocks and lights it with the mini lighter and tosses it onto the sticks which light immediately.

"You can be really immature sometimes" he says nonchalantly to you.

"Excuse me!" You gasp. He grins at having broken your silence which makes you even more angry. "If anyone here is immature it’s you!" He scoffs.

"Yeah right. Your the one always blowing things way out of proportion!" He exclaims "you have the emotional control of a five year old! You are always screaming at the silliest little comments and chasing me around like I killed your mother or something!"

"I most certainly do not blow things out of proportion!" You say seething with anger. "You always provoke me until I snap like a three year old who is begging his mom for a cookie! You wear me down until you get the response you want! You love making me mad so you prank me and taunt me. Well guess what your not cool for doing it. It makes you immature and proves that your just an attention seeker!" You say.

"Your such a bitch I am not looking for attention! Your delusional!"

"Yes you are! Your the youngest child and the only boy. Your dad is always working and your mom always paid more attention to your sisters because they are girls so now you demand attention from everyone else because you feel like no one pays attention to you. The fact that you demand attention so much is what makes you not get it. You try way to hard and I am sick and tired of being your target ever single summer! So either get a grip on life or find a new damn target to play with!" You scream breathing heavily.

Robbie sits their stunned. His face twisted in pain as if you have slapped him. He blinks and his face goes expressionless. Your breathing starts to even out. And you both sit there staring. Then Robbie silently stands up and walks away towards the shore.

You start to regret your words.

"Robbie," you call after him. You know he hears you because he pauses for a moment but then keeps walking.

You suddenly feel your chest tighten with guilt. Alls you can picture is is hurt expression. You feel your eyes start to tear up and you sniffle.

Lacey nudges you with her nose and you realize you are actually crying over this. You wipe your eyes quickly.

"What the hell is happening" you groan laying back into the sand with frustration. You have never have felt guilty after a fight. Ever.
“What is happening to me?” You ask Lacey.

She just licks your cheek in reply. You sigh.

"Come on" you say standing up. "Let’s go after him"

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