Chapter 5

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Your eyes flutter open. The morning sun lights up the tent. The birds are chirping outside. Robbie’s arm is slung over your waist. You sigh. It’s so peaceful.

You snuggle deeper into Robbie’s chest liking the feel of the warmth radiating off of his skin.

Then you freeze. What the fuck am I doing?! You think to your self.

Somehow during the night you and Robbie had gone from facing away from eachother on opposites ends of the tent you snuggled together in the middle, his arm around you and your legs tangled together.

You try to pull away but Robbie’s arm is tight around you.

"Robbie" you say trying to wake him and wiggle out of his grip. "Robbie wake up"

He makes a sound of protest in his sleep tightening his grip and pulling you closer.

You groan in frustration and stop fighting it. You lay there for a moment listening to his soft breathing as he sleeps.

"(Y/n)" he says softly. You freeze. is he awake?

You turn your head slightly to look up at him. His eyes are still shut, his mouth slightly open. He looks so innocent when he sleeps, his face soft and peaceful. You feel a smile tugging at your lips and then his eyes start to flutter open.

You quickly turn your head away and shut your eyes and pretend to be asleep. You want to avoid the awkwardness when Robbie realizes he has been cuddling you all night.

"Bloody hell" you hear him whisper. Then he chuckles softly, the vibrations of his chest moving through you. He gently unwraps himself from you as if he doesn’t want to wake you.

You can feel him sit up beside you. You pray that he will go outside so you don’t have to pretend being asleep any longer.

You wait but he doesn’t move. Then suddenly you are startled by the touch of his fingers on your face. You go rigid not wanting to move and give away the fact that you are awake.

He gently brushes his thumb over your cheek and moves your hair away from your face. You feel goosebumps pop up on your neck in response and you curse your body for reacting to his touch. But his fingers Are so soft you can’t help but get chills. He finally pulls his fingers away.

Then something even weirder happens. You feel the soft moist touch of his lips on your forehead. They longer for a second and then pull away.

You hear Robbie sigh and he gets up and walks out of the tent zipping it up leaving you alone.

You sit up in shock. Did he just kiss your forehead?!? What was that suppose to mean?! You don’t just go around kissing other peoples forehead while they sleep! Like no! That’s just odd.

You throw yourself back on the ground in frustration. You don’t know what to think.

'Whats worse?' You think to yourself 'the fact that Robbie kissed my head while I was asleep, or the fact that I kinda liked it'

You run your hands down your face in frustration. You need to get off this island. It is driving you mental.

You groan and finally Get up out of bed.

You walk out of the tent and see Robbie on his knees going through the bags.

"What’s for breakfast?" You ask leaning over him and looking into the bag.

"Nothing," he says throwing the bag away in annoyance. "They didn’t pack us breakfast."

"Well that’s good!" You exclaim. He looks at you like you are crazy and you laugh.

"It means they plan on picking us up in the morning" you explain.

"Ohh" he says realizing your logic. You giggle again.

"So" you say plopping down in the sand. "This was an interesting camping trip" you say nudging him with your elbow.

"I guess" he mumbles.

"You guess?" You ask dumbfounded. "We actually got along for once!" You exclaim. "Some even might consider us friends now" you say with false drama as if it is a horrific idea and then laughs. He gives a small smirk.

"Yeah I guess" he says sadly.

"What’s wrong?" You asked getting annoyed by Robbie’s attitude.

"Nothing" he mumbles.

"Well it’s obviously something!" You demand.

"Is it weird I don’t want to leave?" He ask looking up at you finally. This question takes you aback.

"You don’t want to leave." You repeat slowly narrowing your eyes at him. He looks away and shakes his head slowly.

"Why?" You ask confused.

"Nevermind it’s stupid." He says shaking his head.

"But-" you start and then are cut off by a call.

"Robbie! (Y/n)!" You hear as you turn and see your mothers walking down the beach waving at you. You turn back to Robbie but he has already stood up and started collecting stuff. You sigh quietly and begin to pick up the stuff too.

"Well you both are alive" you mom says laughing.

"And I see no visible injuries" Robbie’s mom says scanning the two of you.

"So I would say this camping trip was at least a bit successful" your mom says.

Robbie shrugs “yeah I guess” he mumbles.

"Excellent!" His mom exclaims clapping him on the back. You stand there staring at Robbie. He mets your eyes and quickly looks away.

What the heck has gotten into him.

“Who’s this little fellow?” Your mom ask as Lacey trots up to her.

"Oh that’s Lacey," you say. "I found her"

"Oh well this isn’t a wild dog!" Your mom says. "She must have been abandoned here the poor thing!" she exclaims.

"Can we take her back with us?" You ask hopefully.

"Well," your mom says "sure. But no promises that we will keep her for yourselves"

You smile throwing your arms around your mom.

"Thank you!" You exclaim. She laughs and you let go and she helps finishing the disassembling of the tent.

Your mom and Robbie’s mom carry the stuff back to the boat and you and Robbie walk a few paces behind then with Lacey. Robbie is still wearing the same blank expression as before.

"Robbie?" You ask.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Is something wrong?" You ask slightly concerned. He looks at you with a small smile that you can tell is fake.

"Of course not" he says.

"Okay" got say eyeing him.

He starts to pick up his pace and catches up with your moms. They start walking through the water to the boat.

You stop at where the water meets the sand for a second and look down at Lacey.

"What are we going to do about him?" You ask her sadly.

She barks in response and you smile softly.

"Yeah," you say "I don’t know either."

Then you pick Lacey up and start to trudge to the boat in the water.

Stuck On An Islandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن