Chapter 8

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Your point of view

During dinner tonight you and Robbie shared many awkward glances.

You almost kissed Robbie in his room before dinner. You had decided you wanted to give a chance. And if it didn’t work out the worst that could happen was you hated each other again right?

But alas you were interrupted by your parents calling you down to dinner. Since you were unable to kiss him, you had wanted to give him some sort of sign, so you had boldly grabbed his hand and held it on the way down to dinner.

After dinner you were hoping to be able to talk to him but your mom asked you to help clear the dishes and clean them with her.

"So," your mom says "you and Robbie seem to have come to and understanding" she says eyeing you carefully.

"Yeah I guess" you say casually getting nervous your mom realized something is going on between the two of you.

"How did you come to this understanding?" She ask curiously.

"I dunno" you mumble. "We just did"

"Okay…" Your mom trails off. "Well it’s good to see you two getting along after so long. Robbie and you were friends way back when"

"Yeah I guess we were" you say

"But then boys got cooties" your mom teased "and you wanted nothing to do with him. You broke the poor kids heart" she laughs.

"Wait what?" You say almost dropping the plate.

"You don’t remember that?" You mom asks laughing. "You and Robbie where friends until one day when you were five his older sisters convinced boys had cooties and you told Robbie you didn’t want to play with him anymore. The kid was heartbroken, he had a huge crush on you and came inside bawling to his mom. I’m pretty sure after that is when your whole rivalry started. It’s quite funny" your mom says. You stand their in shock.

"Wow I never realized that’s why we started fighting" you say quietly.

"Well now you know boys don’t have cooties, so obviously that’s not a problem anymore. On the other hand poor Robbie never thoughts girls had cooties. I’m pretty sure the kid still fancies you a bit" she says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Mom!" You exclaim your face turning red instantly.

"Oo and by the looks of it you fancy him too" she teases.

"Shut it!" You say throwing your dishrag at her and leaving the kitchen in a huff.

You trudge up the stairs into your room and are surprised to what you walk in and see. Robbie is sitting on your bed flipping through one of your magazines.

"Looking for nail painting tips?" You tease and Robbie jumps up tossing the magazine asides. You laugh at his slightly pink face.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaims " I didn’t hear you come in! I was waiting for you to come back up" he says

"Well obviously" you say rolling your eyes "what’s up?" You say sitting on the end next to him.

"Well I uh thought we could finish talking" he says rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Oh" you say looking at your feet. "Well I uhh did some thinking" you say shyly.

"Mhm" Robbie says moving a bit closer to you.

"And I uhh decided that maybe we should give us a shot. Like as a couple" you say blushing furiously.

Robbie gives you a lazy grin “my thoughts exactly.” He tilt your chin upwards and towards him and leaves a light, soft kiss on them.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" He Ask keeping his lips just centimeters from yours.

"Yes" you breathe and he brings your lips back to yours.

"Good because I would like to too." He says cheekily. You roll your eyes and playful shove him. He gets off te bed and moves towards the door.

"I will see you tomorrow" he says "we will have our first official date" he winks and goes to leave.

"Wait!" You say and he freezes.

"Yes?" He ask cautiously. You can see fear flicker in his eyes as if he is afraid your backing down.

"Just promise me one thing" you say walking towards him.

"Yes?" He asks again and you stand on your toes so you are eye level with him.

"No boat rides to deserted islands. Those are too complicated" you say with a giggling and pecking his lips. He chuckles.

"I guess" he says with a fake sigh, then he grins at you again, kisses your forehead and walks down the hall to his room.

You watch him as he closes his door, waving at you one last time. You lean against your door way with a giddy grin playing at your lips. That actually just happened.

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