Chapter 4

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You walk down the beach in search of Robbie.

It turns out not to be difficult finding him. He is sitting on huge rocks on the shore skipping little pebbles on the water. You sit there watching him for a moment. His face is blank, you can tell he must be deep in thought.

He must sense you staring at him because he turns in your direction. He stares at you for a moment and slowly turns back to the water.

You sigh and walk over to the rock. You climb on and plop down next to him staring out at the ocean to. You pull your knees to your chest and tuck your chin ontop of them.

"I’m sorry" you say

"You were right" he says at the same time.

You both freeze staring at eachother in shock.

"Did you just admit I was right?!" you ask in surprise.

"Did you just say sorry?!" His ask matching your tone. You narrow your eyes at him looking him up and down and then you break out laughing.

You laugh and laugh grabbing your stomach, tears of laughter falling from your eyes. Robbie just looks at you like your crazy.

"Yup it’s offical" he says.

"What?" You ask between laughs.

"You have gone mad!" He says starting to laugh with you.

"Shut up!" You say pushing him playfully, but it seems you pushed a little to hard. He falls off the rock and into the water.

"Oh my god!" You say stopping your laughter for a minute bringing your hands to your mouth. "I’m sorry sorry!" You exclaim.

"There you go again with the sorrys again" he says throwing his hands up causing water to splash up at you. You start laughing again.

"Watch it" you giggle. "You almost got me wet!"

"Oh really?!" He says "well I’m soaked so I think it’s only fair" he says with an evil grin. Before you could open your mouth and object he has grabbed your ankle and pulled you off the rock into the water.

"Robbie!" You scream when you resurface.

"Sorry love" he says with a smirk.

"Now you apologized!" You say poking his chest.

"Yeah I guess I did" he says with a shrug.

"Well this is new" you say.

"Yeah" he says looking at your face weirdly. You cock your head to the side questioningly and he looks away quickly.

Suddenly you get a brilliant idea.

"Hey Robbie," you say.

"Hmmm" he hums turning his face back to you and you splash him in the face.

"Oh so that’s how it is?" He says raising an eyebrow. You giggle splashing his again.

"It’s on!" He says getting a determined look and his signature evil smirk.

The two of you engage in a full on splash war.

"Surrender!" He demands dramatically.

"Never!" You retort with a laugh.

Then Robbie stops splashing you and dives over to you and scoops you up in his arms.

"How about now?" He asks holding you above the water.

"No!" You say stubbornly. "Put me down!" You say pounding on his chest.

"Nah" he says an then he jumps up throwing himself backwards into the water while still holding you righty to his chest.

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