Chapter 7

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I watch (y/n) as she leaps from the park bench and runs who knows where. I growl in frustration tugging at my hair.

Why was this so fucking complicated. She keeps throwing mixed signals and I can’t keep up.

I groan and get up of the bench and storm back to the house. I get inside and slam the front door.

"Robbie!" My mom exclaims. "What is up with and slamming doors today! Your not a child."

"Whatever" I growl stomping up the stairs and slamming my bedroom door shut. I jam my phone into my speakers and blast music throwing my self onto my bed.

I lay their scowling at the ceiling as my music shakes my room.

Suddenly the music stops. I look up and see my mom standing their with a very distasteful look on her face.

Should have locked the damn door, I mentally tell myself.

I sit up on my bed. “What mom?” I snap. She raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe I should be asking you ‘what’ Robbie. As in what has gotten into you!" Your acting like a rebellious teenager who hates the world and you are certainly not like that" she says crossing her arms at me. "Now what is going on?" She demands.

"Nothing" I say the anger leaving my voice and being replaced with sadness.

"Robbie there is obviously something bothering you!" She exclaims.

"It’s nothing okay!" I say tears of frustration starting to well up in my eyes. Her face softens.

"Oh Robbie" she says sitting on the end of my bed putting a hand on my leg. "Honey tell me what’s the matter"

"It’s stupid" I say wiping my face quickly cursing (y/n) for making me like I have no control over my emotions. But I guess I don’t.

"Tell me" she says.

"I kissed (y/n)" I say quietly not meeting her eyes. I can feel her freeze.

"You what?" She exclaims as if she didn’t hear me right. I laugh sadly.

"I know shocking" I say dryly. This time it is my mom who laughs.

"Oh honey, I always knew that you had a crush on her, I just didn’t think you knew it" she says with a wink.

"Mom" I groan rolling my eyes "I didn’t like her until you stuck us on that damn island."

"Oh no you like her before, and watch you language by the way." she says with smile her eyes thinking.

"Yeah well I like her. I kissed her. And she ran away so that’s that" I say grinding my teeth in frustration.

"Oh no honey," she says patting my leg. "Don’t give up yet. You just realized it before she did. Let her catch up." My mom says before getting up and leaving.

"Wait what does that mean?" I call after her. She just laughs and keeps going. I sigh. I shut my door, this time gently and grab my headphones. I shut my eyes and soak in the music trying to forget.

I must have fallen asleep because when I feel someone shake me and I look at the clock it is 6:30. I groan and look over at who woke me. It’s (y/n).

"(Y/n)!" I exclaim pulling off my head phones and running my hands through my probably very messy hair from sleeping.

"Umm" I say clearing my throat "what’s up?"

"Dinners ready" she says simply looking around my room. "They told me to come get you" she trails off looking at my desk.

She walks over to it and leans in to look at my collection of pictures taped up on the wall. I walk over to see which one she is looking at.

"That’s us, isn’t it?" She ask pointing at a picture of us when we are two. I am handing her a daisy and she has a cute little baby faced grin on.

"Yeah," I say with a laugh.

"You were always quite the charmer weren’t you?" She asks quietly.

"Mmhmm" I hum looking at her. She looks at the picture with a small grin.

"I guess we use to get along" she says.

"Yeah," I say nodding "we were cute before we wanted to kill eachother"

"Well we don’t want to kill eachother now" she says looking up at me.

"This is true" I say.

"So does that make us cute now" she teases poking me in the stomach.

"It would is someone would stop running away " I say seriously. She looks up into my eyes. Hers are wide and sparkling.

"I’m sorry" she says quietly "I needed to think"

"And did you think?" I ask her stepping a bit closer.

She nods her head and bites her lip.

"And what was your conclusion?" I ask leaning towards her. I can hear her breath quickening.

She starts to lean forward to meet my lips when a voice travels through my open door.

"Are you two coming down here to dinner or what?!" Her mom calls.

She steps away from me and I sigh.

"We should go" she says quietly. I nod sadly.

But then she does something that surprises me. She grabs my hand and squeezes it and pulls me out of my room. she holds all the way down the stairs and she drops it just as she opens the door to the dining room.

"Ahh! Their your two are!" Her mom says "now sit and eat before it gets cold!" She says shooing us into our chairs.

Me and (y/n) sit across from eachother as always. But this time it’s different. Instead of the usually glaring match it consist instead of us occasionally staring at eachother and then the other catching them doing it.

"You two are awfully quiet tonight!" Her mom says. "No name calling, no fighting, not even a bit of thrown food. Should I be concerned."

(Y/n) shakes her head. “No mom, I think we understand eachother better now” she says softly looking down at her food pushing it around with her fork.

"Oh really?" Her mom says surprised. "Well that’s good"

"Yeah it is" I say simply not taking my eyes from (y/n). She looks up and sees me starring and blushes and looks back down at her food.

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