chapter 2

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Harry walked up to the club with full confidence, showing the bouncer his ID and sweeping in through the doors. He winked at a few people as he made it up to the bar.

He found a girl starring at him not too far off. He smirked at her before taking a drink of his beer. She slowly made her way up to him. 

"Hello." She wiggled around, leaning up against the bar. 


"Call me Abigail." She grinned. 

Harry finished off his drink, then looking back up at her. “I need to go out for a smoke, care to join?” 

She smiled nodding as Harry took her hand in his. He pulled her out a side door and he lit up a cigaret off away from people. He offered her one but she declined.

"You don’t smoke?" He took a puff. 

"Not cigarets." 

"So you do anything else other than weed?" He looked at her interested. 

She grinned, “Tried coke a few times.” She shrugged.

"Ever done something a little more," Harry scrunched his face looking for the right word as he took a drag. "Dramatic?"

"Like what?" She seemed curious. 


Her eyes widened a bit, “No. You have?” 

"Yep." Harry emphasized the P, putting his cigaret out on the brick wall. "Its beyond great." He whispered, leaning into her ear. 

"Do you have some?" 

"Back at my hotel." Harry licked his lips, "You’re welcome to come back with me if you want to try a few things."

She grinned, liking Harry’s cheekiness. “Sounds fun.”

Harry leaned down, kissing her lips hungrily. She held loosely at his sides before he pulled back, leading them to his car. 

The drive was short, his hotel being just down the street. He brought her in through the back door, leading her up two flights of stairs until they reached his room. She was already nipping at his neck before the door was open.

Once they were inside Harry brought her lips to his, kissing sloppily. She giggled when he picked her up effortlessly and brought her over to the bed. He set her down, kissing her once before gesturing with his hands to wait there. 

He slipped into his bathroom, shutting the door as he pulled out his drugs from under the cabinets. He pulled out a small bag full of faded white disks. He took one out and put it in his pocket. 

He took out another bag of drugs looking identical to the first bag, except it was labeled ‘1/2LSD 1/2CHLFM’. He held it in his hand as he put everything back in its place. He pulled his shirt off, being careful to keep the small pill in his hand. 

He headed back out to see Abigail sitting patiently on the bed, smiling once Harry appeared in her view. He walked over to the bed slowly, crawling up on top of her waist. She giggled, leaning back onto the bed as he kissed her deeply. 

"Are you ready?" He asked sweetly, kissing her again. 

She pulled back smiling. “Yeah.” 

He instructed her to open her mouth and stick out her tongue, him doing it first and she soon catching on. He placed the small disk on her tongue and she soon retreated it. 

"Does it kick in right away?" She asked, obviously not feeling anything yet.

"You’ll start to feel it soon." He began kissing at her neck again, "In the mean time let’s have some fun, shall we?" 

She began giggling, feeling down Harry’s back before tugging at his jean’s belt loops. 

"In a hurry are we?" Harry chuckled looking down at her as he pulled her shirt off. "Fine. We’ll take it fast then." 

She pulled at his pants until they were off and he was straddling her in only his boxers. Harry leaned down, kissing at her collarbones, down in between her breasts and towards her stomach. 

She began giggling again. “I think it’s hitting me.” Harry looked up at her, rolling his eyes, chuckling softly. “Your lips are pretty.” She reached out and touched them with her finger.

Harry laughed, pulling back from her touch to take her pants off. 

"Oh my god!" Harry looked up at her, his finger sliding down her slit. "Oh my god, what happened to your hair?" Her eyes were wide.

"What do you see?" Harry asked as he bent back down, putting his head between her legs and kissing down her thigh.

"Your hair." She threaded her fingers through it, slowly stroking it. "It’s, woah!" She began giggling uncontrollably until it turned into moans as Harry pushed his tongue into her. He pushed in deeper, expecting louder moans but instead got her getting quieter and then silence, a limp body to follow.

Harry sat up on his knees groaning. “Damn lightweight.” He got up from his bed, digging in his draws until he pulled out knife. He turned around and looked at the body before him. 

"Get me hard than pass out before you can fulfill my needs." He shook his head. "Thanks, bitch." 

Lifting up his knife, he sliced her neck quickly. “Guess I’ll just pleasure myself.” He added, walking off to his bathroom to clean off his knife.

He gathered up all his things, putting them in his bag and headed out down the hall. He left through the same door he brought Abigail in through, hopping in his car and driving away.

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