chapter 5

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Niall and Harry walked into a small breakfast place. They found a seat, a waitress immediately taking their order. Within a few minutes, she returned with their coffees.

"So, what exactly are you?" Harry asked after taking a sip of his coffee.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, you’re not gay because you said I was the first one to hit on you and obviously you’re not straight because you were going to have sex with me, so are you bi, or pan like me?" 

"Okay, first off, I was not going to have sex with you."

"Yeah, you were going to kill me so…"

"That doesn’t mean I gunna do it with you."

"So you don’t have sex with people before you, you know."

"Nope, I lead them to think I am but never do."

"I don’t understand, why wouldn’t you get some while they’re already there?"

"That’s so wrong."

"Just think about what you’re doing for a living, Niall."

"But that’s like having sex with a dead body basically."

"Not really." Niall rolled his eyes. "Whatever, so what are you? Bi or pan?"

Niall sat stirring his coffee for awhile before taking a sip. “I don’t know.” He finally said.

"Um, okay?"

"I’ve never looked at a guy twice before that night, to be honest."

"But you can’t deny you didn’t enjoy it." Harry smirked a smug grin.

"I can’t. But i guess if I had to pin point myself into a category I’d be bi."

Harry nodded before his eyes widened and he sat up straighter. “Harry? Is that you?”

Niall turned around to see a middle aged woman smiling in Harry’s direction. Harry stood up and they met in an awkward hug. Harry instructed her to sit down where he was previous, himself scooted beside Niall.

"Niall, this is Mrs. Kline. Mrs. Kline, this is Niall, we work together."

"Nice to meet you Niall. Harry, what have you been up to? You look so different I barely recognized you." She said, the waitress setting down a coffee in front of her.

"Have you ever had stevia?" Harry asked before Mrs. Kline could grab the sugar.

Her face scrunched as she tried to think, “Don’t think I have.”

Harry leaned towards Niall, pulling something out of his pocket, “You outta to try it. It’s lighter and sweeter, plus its better for you.” He smiled, opening it and pouring it into her coffee.

She took a sip then nodded as if she enjoyed it. Harry continued, “So, me and Niall, we’re actually traveling photographers and have been traveling around Europe for a while now.”

"That’s so cool, I never knew you were into photography though."

"I don’t know, guess it was just a random thing I found out I was good at."

"Do you have any with you? I’d love to see some of your work." She said, her head a bit loopy.

Harry smirked, “Of course, it’s back at our hotel. You’re welcome to come back with us.” 

Niall’s eyes widened, hitting Harry under the table. Harry turned back to him, smirking and mouthing, ‘I got this’.

"Aww, I’d love that!" The three of them got up, Harry making sure to leave a tip before they headed outside. 

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