chapter 3

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Niall stood up against the bar, getting real fidgety as he scoped the place for someone just a little off. He downed his forth drink, starting to feel his body shake. He needed to get out his negative energy, soon.

He scanned around the room once more, watching people carefully. He stopped when he noticed a guy not too far off staring at him. Niall gulped as he began walking towards him, though he saw a hint of regret in his eyes and thought he could make do with that.

He walked up to the bar, leaning right beside Niall. He stared at him for awhile before a smirked, “Hey, there.”

Niall rose his eyebrows at him, “Hey?”

The strangers hand traveled up Niall’s chest, his index finger rubbing around his nipple. He looked up at Niall. “What? Never been hit on by a guy?”

"Not exactly." Niall shrugged.

The stranger pressed his body against Niall, his mouth inches away from his ear, “But you like it, don’t you?”

"Maybe. What’s your name?"

"Harry, and yours?" 


"Cute." Harry smirked, pulling off Niall and beginning to walk away. Niall grew nervous, grabbing Harry’s wrist and pulling him back into him. He pressed their lips together, feeling Harry catch on very quickly.

Niall pulled back, out of breath. “I wanna take you home with me.” Harry smirked, following Niall out of the bar.


Seconds after Niall slid his card key out of the hotel room door and it was shut with them on the inside, did Harry attach himself onto Niall. He pressed Niall against the back of the door forcefully, their lips not separating. Harry moaned as his hand slid down Niall’s back, grabbing ahold of his ass.

Niall sent a moan back, pressing in harder to the kiss, holding tightly onto Harry’s curls. He pushed Harry back, walking them over to his bed. Niall pushed Harry down, climbing onto his waist. 

Niall bent his head down, biting and nibbling at Harry’s neck. He sucked, his hands traveling under his shirt, pulling it up and over Harry’s head.

He moaned as he kissed across Harry’s tattoos. Harry pulled Niall back up, connecting their lips together again. Their moans mixed between their mouths as Niall rubbed down on him.

Harry’s hands reached for Niall’s pants before Niall grabbed onto his wrist. “Lube.” He breathed out, barely pulling back from Harry’s mouth.

He leaned over, reaching into his draw and pulling out a gun. He sat up on Harry’s waist, pointing it down at his face, just to find Harry pointing one up at him.

"The hell you think you’re doing?" Harry let out calmly. 

"Shouldn’t I be asking you the same thing?" Niall rose an eyebrow.

"Get the fuck off me." He spit out, Niall pulling his leg off of Harry’s waist until he was standing up on one side of the bed. Harry stood on the other, both their guns pointed at each other.

"You were going to kill me." Niall stated. 

"Yeah, so were you." Harry retaliated.


"You tell me."

"I asked you first."

"Let’s be mature adults here."

"I’ve got a gun pointed to your face, I’ll do what the fuck I want." Niall smirked. "Now, you a serial killer of some shit?"

"Yeah." Harry barely shrugged, "But now that I’ve told you, you’ve really gotta die."

"Well see, I also happen to be a serial killer so why don’t we put our guns down and just talk."

Harry laughed, “Yeah okay and then right after that you can take me out for tea and maybe get dinner.”

"Normally you do that before the making out and since we’ve already done that-"

Harry stepped forward, clicking his gun so that the bullets were put into place. Niall jumped onto the bed, kicking the gun out of his hand, his other foot landing across Harry’s jaw. He fell over from the impact, Niall straddling his waist again, the gun pointed down at his face. Harry rose his hands up above his head.

"Now, we are going to talk very civil, sound good?" 

"Peachy." Harry let out sarcastically, flipping Niall the middle finger with both his hands. Niall climbed off of Harry, letting him get up himself, keeping the gun pointed to his forehead the whole time.

"Now." Niall started, leaning against the wall, Harry pacing the floor on the opposite side of the bed. Their guns lay, unloaded in the middle of the bed as they spoke. "Since we are both criminals, and neither of us are going to trust each other. I’ve got a suggestion."

"Here’s my suggestion. You go fuck yourself and then I kill you and live my own life as if you weren’t in it." Harry glared.

"Ignoring your bitchy attitude, why don’t we continue our normal ways of living, but together."

"Why the hell would I want to work with you?"

"Because do you really trust me not to rag you out?"

"If you’re dead."

"It’s a lot harder to kill a murder than a regular pedestrian. Just saying. I know all the tricks you do."

"Yeah, okay."

"Fake ID’s. Different licenses plates. Don’t stay in a same town for more than three days. Never use your real name unless you’re planning on killing the person. Yeah I know."

Harry squinted his eyes, “And how do I know this isn’t one of your tricks to try and kill me?”

"Because I’m the one who said it’s difficult to kill a murder and you’re the one who mentally agreed with me." 

Harry crossed his arms, “Okay, so even if I did agree to work with you, how is this going to work out?” 

"We pack our shit up, hop in a car and leave, as if it were both of us individually." 


Niall leaned down, picking up a bag and putting stuff from the table in it. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Getting my shit. Then we’re going to drive to your hotel and get your shit. Caught on yet buddy?"

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