chapter 8

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"Alright, you got everything?" Harry asked for the third time.

Niall pulled on his shirt over the strap around his middle that held in his knife. Harry approached him, putting in the ear piece in which would allow Niall to hear Harry and vice verse.

"I think so." Niall said grabbing a jacket before they headed out the hotel room door. They headed in car down the road when Harry turned to Niall.

"Go over the plan again."

Niall sighed, “Go in there, find a girl. Either bring her back to the hotel or head back to her place. I’ll make sure you know which one so you can follow. Once I kill her, call for you and you’ll help me finish up.”

"Okay, good." Harry breathed out, turning into the bar parking lot. 

Niall climbed out of the car, heading up to the door. Once he made it in, he headed to the bar and ordered a drink. As he took it, he looked around. There wasn’t much going on so he found a seat and waited.

After waiting for nearly an hour, and having Harry nagging in his ear for almost half of it, he began to get discouraged. He stood up, heading back over to the bar for another drink. As he did so, he ran right into someone.

"Sorry." Niall mumbled, looking up to see a beautiful blonde. He straightened his back, "You alright?"

"Yeah," She sighed, "That was my fault." 

Niall smiled softly, “No, no. How about you sit down and I’ll order us some drinks?”

Niall went up to the bar, getting the two of them drinks and heading back over to where she was sitting. He set down the drinks before sitting down. “Sorry about that, again.”

"Shut up, you sound like a high school girl." Harry grumbled into Niall’s ear. Niall bit his lip, wanting to make a come back but knew he couldn’t talk with Harry.

"I’m Perrie."

"I’m Niall." Niall smiled at her.

"Kiss of death, baby." Harry sing-songed into Niall’s ear, "Literally."

"So what’s a pretty girl like you hanging out in such a shady bar like this?" Niall leaned in a little bit, ignoring Harry’s comment.

Harry sat up, “Alright, just get her out of there, no flirting.”

Niall tried hard not to smile as Perrie answered, “I don’t know, I guess I kinda ran away from my issues, you know?” She shrugged her shoulders.


"You don’t have to agree with me if you don’t." She laughed slightly.

"I’ve been running away from my issues for years now." Niall said.

"So you say were kinda similar." Perrie smirked.

Niall grinned, “Yeah, like we’ve got something in common.”

"Alright, you’re gunna have to suck my dick for this one." Harry let out his annoyance into Niall’s ear. Niall grinned a bit more.

"You know you’re different Niall." Perrie smiled.

"You’ve got no idea, sista." Harry laughed.

"Most guys in here would want to go straight into my pants." She sighed, "At least you sat me down, ordered me a drink and talked to me for a bit before you wanted to."

Niall half chuckled, “Does this mean I don’t get to?” He nearly pouted.

"Oh don’t get so butthurt." Harry whined.

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