Chapter 6

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Niall walked into the hotel room with food, wondering around looking for Harry. He noticed him out on the balcony, setting the food down before headed out to him. He took in the doorway as he spoke.

"I brought back food." 

Harry took a puff of his cigaret, turning around to Niall, “Thanks.” Niall sighed, rolling his eyes. “Why do you have such a problem with me smoking?” Harry asked.

"You know how bad that is for you?"

"You know how bad killing people is? Does it look like I care?"

"You’re going to die a lot sooner that’s all I’m saying."

"It’s not like I can help it." Harry put out his cigaret, walking past Niall back into the room.

"Why do you say that?" Niall asked. Harry grabbed the bag of food, sitting on the his bed. Niall grabbed his food and sat across from him on his own bed.

Harry sighed, “It doesn’t matter what it is, I can get addicted to it.”

They began eating in silence. They had almost finished when Niall asked another question.

"So, are you like, addicted to drugs?"


"Are we talking like weed kinda drugs or like meth kinda drugs?" 

"Oh no, I’m not stupid, I haven’t done meth, but basically everything else."

"D’you keep ‘em with us?"

Harry grinned, “You haven’t done any drugs have you?” Niall sighed, shaking his head, “Not even pot?” 


"Well I’ve at least gotta get you some pot then." Harry smirked, standing up and getting into his bag. 

"Well you make that seem kinda pathetic. Give me something else."

"Like what? I am not giving you LSD."

"How about cocaine?"

Harry swallowed, “You wanna try coke?”


"Alight." Harry pulled it out of his bag, getting a line ready for both Niall and him. "Ready?" Harry asked, rolling up a receipt. Niall got up and walked over to him. He handed the rolled up receipt to Niall.

"You just sniff it in, right?"

"All at once."

Niall leaned down, sniffing in the line. He backed up, his eyes closed and his nosed stretched out. He shook his head a few times before opening up his eyes. Harry giggled.

"Oh shut up." Niall laughed.

Harry rolled his eyes, “I’ve seen way worse reactions, don’t worry.” Harry took the receipt and snorted up his line.

"Well, now what?" 

"What do you mean now what?" Harry giggled, smiling at Niall. He closed the gap between them, pushing his lips up to Niall’s. "I’m sorry, I uh, I just-"

Niall pressed his lips back to Harry’s, moving them back until they were laying on the bed. Niall straddled his waist, his tongue slipping into Harry’s mouth. Harry pulled back, groaning as his hand slipped between their two bodies to palm himself.

"Mmm, Niall I need you now. No teasing, just-" Harry let out a heavy breath, "Please."

Niall smirked, bringing their lips back together, “You know I’ve never done this before, not with a guy at least.”

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