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??? POV

He slapped me across the face, making a loud smacking noise, echoing through the room. I staggered back and coughed up some blood. My head was pounding and my palms were sweaty.

"You worthless little brat!" Martin shouted, giving me another slap across the face.

"I tried okay!? I can't do it!" I screamed, falling to the floor and landing on all four eyes. My vision was blurry, but I could see the scrapes of blood on my arms and legs. It made me want to throw up.

"Trying isn't enough! You gotta get it right!" He spat, raising his arm again to strike. Tears filled my eyes, making my vision worse. I could just see his bloody fist about to move.

"That's enough Martin..." The voice was unfamiliar, sounding much different from Martin's cold, dark, scratchy voice. It actually sounded happy, and more calm. The sound of it relaxed me a bit, almost making me forget Martin. Almost.

"She's never gonna get it! She's too stupid!" Martin snapped.

"She's only a child dear Martin...her mind doesn't process that're forcing her to be mature way too early. You must give her time..."

More anger just flooded over Martin. I could feel it. "Why're are you here anyway, Jake?!"

Jake...I had never heard his name before...

Jake stiffened and walked towards us, his eyes kept on Martin the whole time. As he got closer, he seemed to be heading towards me.

"Master sent me to retrieve her. He finds that she is gaining no experience and has learned nothing but abuse for 12 years..." Jake finally said, giving out his hand for me to hold onto.

I clenched my teeth, struggling to get up again. I ignored his offer of help and used the wall next to me to help me stand, my blood staining the white walls.

"I don't need your help...and I don't need your pity...I will get it right, and with-" I stared coughing uncontrollably, clumps of blood coming out. I tried holding it back, but I couldn't breath when I did. So I let it all out.

"Like your any better?" Martin said, folding his arms

"She can't make decisions, she doesn't know what she wants. The master does, and he wants her under my care..." Jake hissed.

"Like I told you, I got her. She's weak now but I've taught her a lot. She'll be an S Class killer by the time she's 18."

"She'll be dead in your arms by the time she's 18. Just like the other one..."

"SHUT UP JAKE!" Martin lashed out, tackling him. They both fought each other with dominance, sending flurries of punches and kicks.

Jake kneed Martin in the stomach then punched his chin upwards. Martin quickly recovered and swung a right handed punch at his cheek then darted behind him to grab his arm. He had successfully done it, and twisted his arm, hearing him shriek. He then pulled Martins arm back, making the pain even worse.

Jake kicked Marin with his legs then swung his arms behind him, flipping him forward into the wall.

The fight continued for a long time, feeling like hours to me. I stood there helpless, watching them fight for the others blood. It amused me actually, seeing them do it. It was funny. Martin made fights seem that way for me, as he always told me that fights were fun. I also remembered him telling me that I never had a say in anything, which I was doing, not doing or saying anything. I knew before that when I said it was fine, he would have slapped me. He always said to let him do the talking. And when he did talk, it always lead to battling. I thought that they were both evenly matched, but one of them eventually lost.

As I saw the dead body lay on the floor, its blood poured around it. It interested me, it's scent taking over my nose. Seeing blood satisfied me, it made the burning fire in my stomach vanish. And no quicker after one second, the fire had returned. I desired to see blood. Just like Martin. If he had taught me anything, it was the learning of BloodLust...

"Come Blossom..." He reached out his hand to me. I had regained some of my strength during the time of the fight, so I got up on my own.

I heard him chuckle a bit, sounding raspy from the fight he had just won. "Hm...soldier to the heart...that's what I love about you..."

Whoever who had won the fight was who I wanted as my teacher. He was the most powerful, and that's what I wanted.

He motioned his head for me to follow, and I trailed behind him slowly and silently.

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