Chapter 5

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Butch's POV

I turned back once again to make sure my brothers and future sister in law were safe and with each other. 

Boomer was shyly dancing with Bubbles, blushing the whole entire time being bashful, and Brick had left Princess to a red-head chick at the bar table.

I pitied Princess, but she had to understand that he wasn't interested. 

Girls like her annoyed me. How they try too hard to get a boy, and cry about how much they love them when its clear the guy has no interest in them. Brick was just too nice to tell her to bug off. 

I felt a light push on my arm, looking down to see a confused, impatient Buttercup looking up at me. I chuckled to myself, remembering her face being just like this before our first kiss. 

She cocked an eyebrow at me, making it hard to hold my smirk.

"What's so funny?" She snapped, folding her arms as she spoke. 

I draped my arm over her, pulling her closer to me so I could feel her warmth. "Heh, nothing, really. Let's go." 

I pulled her through the crowd, releasing her of my gold and grabbing her hand to navigate her through the dancing bodies around us. 

We headed to the back, opening the back door to the club and letting her out first. I expected a sarcastic comment on my very rare politeness, but she surprisingly said nothing.

I followed after her, careful to close the door, leaving a crack open for me to watch what was happening inside. 


"Wait." I put up my hand for her to stop, making her stop and look at me. "Please, this is important. I have to tell you something."


I searched for a way to start the topic, knowing she hated talking about it, and often pretended like it never even happened. But there really was no other way.

"It's...about Blossom..." I said, not looking away when she made her death glare at me. Before she could yell at me, I cut her off.

"She's not dead."



I know, it's short, and I apologize ;-; 

And all I did was just add more suspense DX. 

-Does Mojo Jojo evil laugh- Muwhahahaha, I'm evil 

Well guess what? This book will be updated every Tuesday and Friday. Weird schedule, but it works for me!

So now you know when this will be updated! :D 

Bai  Cherries!

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