Chapter 6

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Brick's POV

Sure, I could just call my brothers and save myself the danger of roaming these alleyways alone, but there was just a few problems.

Butch would tease me for getting lost and say how the girl ditched me, Boomer would have a mental breakdown, Bubbles along with him possibly, or would just call 911 and get NASA here, Buttercup would punch me in the gut for ruining her party time, and Princess would be all over me crying about how she was so worried. 

Yeah, that's a big no, no. 

I played a mini game of diggy, diggy diamond with the paths, and ended up with the left being out first. 

I went to the left, trying to figure out if this way was familiar, but it looked identical to all the other paths I went through. 

I still couldn't stop worrying about that girl. If she even out, if she was safe, or if she was just tricking me. 

Either way, it wasn't my problem anymore. 

I stopped at the sound of a heavy footstep, pushing my arm out in front of me to make a further distance of the light on my phone. When I was certain the sound wasn't in front of me, I turned around, doing the same. My veins went cold at what I saw.

The man from before, who was yelling and screaming at the black hooded guy was standing in front of me. His legs were parted in a fighting stance with a dagger in his left hand, and a gun in his right hand. Luckily, it wasn't aimed at me, but it looked like he was about to.

His once slanted brown eyes were wide and anxious, fear written all over them. He looked terrified, the worst part being that he looked terrified of me. And when your afraid, you do stupid things.

"Whoa, Sir, what's-"


I did as he told me to, and clamped my mouth shut. But I couldn't help but get annoyed. Was that the only thing he said? Maybe that's why he was in whatever danger he was in. Because he never listened.



"No, I'm not. I'm not here to kill you. But who's-"


"Sir, if you'd just-" I got quiet when I heard the click of his gun, watching him aim it at me.

"I'm not dying today...I'm not. There's too much I haven't done yet...I still have to finish the deal...then my wife will be safe...and maybe my kids will forgive me now..." He started to mumble, leaving me confused as to why he was spilling out his life story now.

He rambled on, saying how it was all to save his family. How he didn't mean any of it. I would have thought he was delusional if I wasn't so scared he'd shoot. 

As I tried to make movement, I heard the click again, freezing right on the spot in a not so comfortable position.

"DON'T MOVE!" He trembled as he held the gun, afraid to hold it. Afraid to see it. But he was aiming it at the wrong person. 

"M...maybe if i shoot you, all my troubles will end..." He mumbled to himself, his horrified look turning into confusion. 

His eyes flashed light brown as he looked up at me, the moon reflecting in his eyes, showing how light they were. They were different somehow, the fear in them gone, replaced with something pushed there. Excitement?

"'re gonna die today son..." His voice had changed, too quickly for me to comprehend it right. He wasn't so fearful anymore, now thrilled and hungry for something to quench. His whole aura had changed. Worry to deadly.

Now I was the one who was scared.


Just like I promised! Ch 7 will be Friday :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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