Solus Weiss

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There was a boy named Weiss. He used to be a very cheerful kid. He would always play with the other kids in the orphanage. Everyone in the orphanage loves him. Then one day, misfortune had struck the orphanage. The Hexaph, a creature that is a able to consume the souls of a living, came to feed on their souls. After the creature left, only a few of the staff remains. Weiss came out of his hiding spot only to see all his friends gone. Tears started dripping from his face. He cried his heart out. One of the staff hurried over to Weiss to comfort him. Then he saw something on the back of Weiss's neck. A marking similar to the Hexaph's. He told the other staff about it. One of them walked over to Weiss and started kicking him in the stomach. "It's your fault everyone else is dead! You're the one that called it here didn't you? Don't think that I don't know that you were just pretending all this time!" said the man in an angry tone. Weiss just stayed quiet while the man continue to kick him. He don't even know what the man was talking about. He would never do such a thing. "You are nothing but a cursed being!" The words said by the man struck Weiss's little heart, and he started crying. His cry, now sounded like a shriek from a Hexaph, made all the orphanage staff cower in fear. The man tried to stab Weiss by taking a a piece of sharp wood from the remains of the orphanage, but something had got to him first. A sharp claw with a faint white glow, stabbed the man through the heart. It was Weiss. Weiss had transformed into a Hexaph, far stronger and more terrifying than the average one. He consumed the man's soul, then his blood. The man's body now shriveled up and was tossed away like a piece of paper. Weiss looked at the other staff, and walked towards them to feast on their souls. Rain drops fell from the sky. Weiss looks at the sky for a while, then looked into the reflection of himself in the puddle that had formed on the ground. He then realizes that he had turned into a Hexaph. He ran away into the forest. He tries to get rid of his claws and
tentacle-like things on his back. He just can't seem to pull them off or cut them off. After numerous attempts, he finally give up. He sat down and looks at his claws. He promised to himself that he will never kill another person again. Weiss continues to live in the forest, away from people, in hoping to never kill again. He rename himself, so he could let go of his past self. Now his name is Solus.


I got the inspiration to write this one after I played a mission in Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7. I just thought Yuffie must be lonely so that's why she mess around with Zack. After thinking the word lonely many times I decided to make this book and write this story. By the way, the word solus is actually Latin for lone, alone, lonely and anything that have to do with the word alone. After a while I search the Latin for killer(it's sicarius) and I planned to name my character that but, it just sounds way to evil so I go with Weiss. Originally I wanted to name the monster Vraxi. Then I Googled the name Vraxi and found out it was a brand for and ironing board. I got the idea for the orphanage from the anime Bungou Stray Dogs. I twisted it a bit and made it a little bit of a happy place.

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