Prequel to Dark Light (part 1)

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Vistonia, a kingdom in a dying world, is in chaos. The citizens panic after they overheard the royal guards saying that their world will soon be destroyed. The emperor order the guards to bring him Averoth, the kingdom's most honored Magician. As soon as the guards were about to leave, Avaroth just appeared behind the emperor. "Need my help, dear old friend?" he asked with a grin. "There you are Avaroth. Please, help us find another world to live in. I can't have my citizens live in fear while they wait for the world to crumble," asked the emperor desperately. "Actually I've already found one. I knew the world's going to end years ago. Back to the point, the people of the next world, Kyrenix, they um...they don't really agree with us moving there, even though I said that our world is dying " said Avaroth. The emperor then shouted in anger, "What?! They knew yet they don't allow us there. Grrrr...Is there any other world out there. I'm sure that there must be hundreds of oth-" before the emperor could finish, Avaroth interrupted him by saying "No...there are no other world out there that is save for us to live in. Most of them are just filled with dangerous monsters while some are already dead." Their conversation went a little longer, discussing wether or not they should invade Kyrenix. Behind the throne room's door, the princess, Alexandrea, overheard her father's plan to invade Kyrenix. "No...I can't have him kill innocent people so he could save his. There must be a better way," thought the princess to herself. She ran back to her room, which is also a library, and looked for a spellbook. She found one and quickly searched for the spell Rift, a magic that can make one travel between worlds. She found the page with the spell and prepare for her travel. She changed into a traveling garment and read the spell's incantation. "Veu ley ka no sa, Kyrenix." It didn't work. "What? Why won't it work? I read it perfectly," wondered Alexandrea. "Maybe it's beacuse you didn't do the gestures, little girl," said Avaroth, which suddenly appeared behind her. She jumped from the surprise and knocked over a few books. "Stand back, let me do it for you," he said gently. Then he continued, "I don't really like your father's plan to take over Kyrenix. It's a nice place, and I even have a wife there. That's why I've been gone for a few months at a time. The point is, I know you're trying to go and persuade the people there. So please, you're the peoples' only hope. I don't think they would be happy living on someone elses home. Go and talk to them and get their approval. I'm sure they will listen to a princess than listen to a man wearing a silly robe." Alexandrea opened her mouth to say something, then quickly shut it. Instead she said, "Thank you." Then Avaroth used the spell Rift and opened a portal to Kyrenix. Alexandrea was quite surprised at how Avaroth just made the portal without even saying or do anything. She give Avaroth one last look before leaving, then entered the portal. She arrived in Kyrenix a short while later. Waiting for her, is a boy wearing a pair of gauntlets. He looks about the same age as her. "Hi there, you must be Alexandrea. My dad told me you were coming," said the boy. Confused, Alexandrea asked the boy, "Your dad?" "Yeah, my dad, Avaroth. He's a Magician in your world, right? My name's Lynxmae, it means rain in this world, but you can call me Lynx," said the boy. Alexandrea is surprised to know that Avaroth already had a child. After introducing themselves to each other, they walked to Lynx house to get some rest. Apparently Alexandrea didn't know that travelling using the Rift spell takes some energy of the one that's travelling. Upon arriving at Lynx's house she is welcomed by Avaroth's wife, Yrna. "Welcome home Lynx. I see you brought a friend," a warm welcome by Lynx's mother. Then Yrna whispered to Lynx ear, "So, how long have you two been together? And when did you have your first kiss?" "Mom....we just met, and she's Alexandrea, you know, the one that dad told us about?" answered Lynx in embarassment. "Oh really? I'm sorry then," she said. The two looked at Alexandrea and it  seems like she is about to pass out. She then saw a bed and quickly jumped onto it and instantly fall asleep. "She must be really tired," said Yrna. After she said that, Lynx saw Alexandrea punching and kicking around in her sleep. "Heheh...I think she still got some energy left, wait, that's my bed!" "Just let her sleep on it for today. Plus it's your fault for putting your bed in the living room," said Yrna to Lynx.

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